"Oh." His mom. Scarlett looked down at her outfit, was this appropriate to meet someone's vampire mom? What if his mom took one look at her and didn't think she was good enough? Her panic drained from her body and her blue eyes flickered over to Jasper. "Thanks." She said softly, knowing that it was all him.

"She's going to love you. I know it." He reached over and grabbed her hand with his free one and she gave it a small squeeze. "Okay. Let's go." She offered a reassuring smile.


Scarlett, for the first time, absolutely felt like Bella as she looked up at the house. Her mouth agape, fish syndrome. "It's gorgeous." Suddenly it made sense why he offered to just give her the car. It was the same thing as a bouquet of flowers. She still didn't feel right taking it but it made more sense. With Jasper's hand on the small of her back he led her up the stairs and toward the front door. She didn't think that she would be more in shock but she was as she walked it. "Lovely." She muttered. "Absolutely lovely."

Jasper chuckled as she removed her coat and he hung it up on a rack by the door. "Esme is thrilled to hear it." Right they can hear everything, especially how much she was gawking at the house. "They're this way." He said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along to the kitchen.

Garlic, it was the first thing she smelled and her stomach grumbled because of course it would. "Glad you could join us Scarlett." Carlisle said from his spot against the counter. "Good to see you again Dr. Cullen." It was strange seeing the man out of his uniform. It was like seeing your teacher shopping at the grocery store. It was happening right there but it was still unbelievable. "Please, it's Carlisle. You're practically family. "

A woman she didn't recognize was wiping her hands on her apron. "This is my mother, Esme." Jasper said as Esme rounded the island where she had been rolling dough and took Scarlett in her arms, squeezing her tight. "It is so good to finally meet you Scarlett. Jasper does nothing but talk about you. Day and night." She hugged like a mother did. Too tight, just right and never being the one to pull away first. Scarlett did not want to for a moment. It had been too long since she felt the love that accompanied a hug from a mother and her fragile little heart squeezed in her chest.

After a few more seconds she pulled away, shaking the fluttering feels that came with things that reminded her of her Momma. "I'm really happy to be here." She said and as though Esme knew she needed it, she reached forward and brushed a few curls of hair behind Scarlett's ear and patted her cheek. It had to be mother's intuition. "We're making homemade pizza for you. I hear it's your favorite." Esme said moving back around to start laying sauce on the dough.

"You're welcome!" Emmett yelled before speeding down the stairs. He was behind Scarlett before she realized he was even in the room. Grabbing her off the floor in a bear hug and spinning her around. When her feet were finally back on the ground she swayed for a moment before swatting him in his chest which just ended up hurting her hand. She wondered if he even felt it. "I tell Esme to make you pizza and this is how you thank me?" He asked, rubbing his chest where her hand made contact. "I almost puked all over your mom's kitchen." She said, her stomach a bit queasy from how fast he had been swinging her.

Jasper just watched, amazed how easily she interacted with his family. He already knew that Em and she got along great but even with Esme. It was as though she were meant to be there and if she let him he would keep her, always.

"Hope you like salad." Rose grumbled as she went into the fridge to pull out lettuce and cucumbers. "I'm starving so I will eat everything." This got a chuckle out of the group and even Rose gave a small smile. "Sit, sit." Esme said motioning to the stool across the island from her. Scarlett didn't hesitate. "Is there anything I can help with?" Esme simply waved her off, "Please I barely ever get to cook. This is a treat. So tell me what are your plans after High school?"

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