71. Testing The Limits!

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Carina instantly frowned at her wife's idea, "Maya, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all," she said.

"Just trust me with this one, Car! There's nothing better than sweating it out," Maya couldn't help but smirk slightly behind her coffee mug.

"Don't go too harsh on her, Maya!" Carina warned her wife firmly.

"I won't do that Carina but she needs to learn a lesson for what she has done and maybe suffer a little bit. Her behaviour is getting out of control and it's only going to get worse if we let it continue," Maya told her wife as they continued to hear their daughter be sick in the toilet.

"I mean it, Maya! Don't go too hard on her, I know what you're like and remember to take her inhaler as well," Carina told her wife as she shook her head. "Remember that Maya," she added.

"Easy there Mija," Andy placed her hand on the teenagers' back as Maddie continued to throw her guts up into the toilet.

"T–Tia? You're still here," Maddie stuttered out confused, turning away briefly from the toilet before she started to be sick again.

"Yeah, it was late last night so I spent the night on the couch," Andy explained as she rubbed the girls' back and smiled sympathetically as Maddie continued to wretch in the toilet. "Alright, alright, just let it all out. You'll feel better soon," she told her.

Once she finished throwing up, Maddie whimpered as she felt truly awful, "I'm in so much trouble," she spoke out worriedly as the realization settled in. "God, I feel so horrible, Tia. My head really hurts!" she continued to say.

Andy couldn't help but chuckle as she moved to the sink to pour a glass of water, "That's what a hangover is Mija," she said as she walked back to the teenager and handed it to her. "Take small sips," she told her.

The blonde teenager nodded reluctantly from where she sat with her back against the bathroom wall as she sipped on the water, "Yeah, well this hangover really sucks," she confessed.

"Maybe you'll remember this for the next time you want to go out and party, huh?" Andy couldn't help but tease the girl. "And when you're better, you can tell me all about the boy that seemed so keen on you," she added.

"That was Aaron, he's cool," Maddie couldn't help but smile slightly when she remembered what happened last night briefly, "I regret my decision to drink last night," she said while she winced in pain.

"I know and I imagine that it won't be the last time that you say this though," Andy said as she grinned.

"I'm in so much trouble with both of my moms," Maddie said as she inwardly groaned.

Andy patted her shoulder reassuringly, "You're a teenager and that's what you do, you make mistakes but you'll still be forgiven, sure you might be grounded for a while but then it'll be a clean slate," she told her.

"You seem so sure about it all," Maddie couldn't help but make a sarcastic comment.

"I have my own fair share of experience," Andy told the teenager honestly. "Trust me, Mija, I have dealt with enough hangovers when I was your age and I used to do all kinds of dumb stuff that would drive my Papi crazy but he always forgave me and loved me. That's what parents do, you make the mistakes and you pay the consequences but you'll always be forgiven," she explained to the teenage girl. "So, are you ready to face the music?" she asked.

"Ready as I will ever be," Maddie said as she sighed and stood up with the help of Andy.

"Come on then, lets' go sit in the lounge. I think both of your moms' are going to want to talk to you about this," Andy told her and led her out of the bathroom.

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