sky went next, and missed. it was faye and blake's turn, blake went first and missed.

"you are going down!" she cheered, she carefully lined up the ball with the cups and bounced the ball and landed it in the cup. faye cheered, jumping up and down with excitement. sky and riven cheered too.

the game went on for a little while, faye had drunk two cups of beer, she was very drunk at this point. it was riven's turn against aisha, he bounce the ball into the cup but it somehow bounce right back out and back over to their side of the table, suddenly all the drinks on faye, sky and riven's side spilt all over, most of the drinks going onto riven and sky.

"the fuck?" riven shouted angrily, the people around them all stared at riven.

"sorry, honestly." aisha apologised. "sorry, i'm gonna get some paper towels." she quickly went off.

bloom was giggling at the other side of the table, riven looked at sky and faye in disbelief, faye just shrugged trying not to laugh.

"what?" riven asked in annoyance.

bloom continued to laugh, and faye started laughing too.

"well, we shouldn't let their drinks go to waste." faye shrugged walking to the other side of the table, downing the rest of their drinks. "i think we won." she cheekily smiled.

"faye, you've had enough, stop." riven told her.

"just leave her, mate." blake said, waving his hand at riven.

"she doesn't know her limits, you twat." riven yelled. "she's your girlfriend i'm surprised you didn't know." he added with a scoff.

"riv, stop." sky told him, placing his hand on riven's shoulder.

riven shrugged sky's hand off him "no, she shouldn't even be here, sky. you know what she's like." riven argued. "her boyfriends an idiot for letting her come, let alone drink."

faye stumbled over to riven. "riv, just stop i'm fine." she slurred.

"no, faye. you aren't fine." riven looked down at the girl.

faye rolled her eyes and walked away with a stumble, grabbing more drinks from the table closest to her. she was trying to drown her feelings, the anger. it was working, she wished she could stay like it forever.

faye felt her phone buzz, she picked up her phone and read the text. it was her dad telling her the burned one was dead. she smiled at her phone with a smile. her dad was going to be okay. he was gonna live.

faye was very, very drunk. she was annoyed she felt like she had gotten drunk for no reason, she shrugged getting another drink.

"another won't hurt." she muttered.

the girl drunkenly made her way to the dance floor and danced with random people, all friendly of course. until some random guy came up behind her and grabbed her arse, she spun around and punched him in the nose. "touch me or anyone else like that without consent again and you're fucking dead." she yelled in the boys face, chucking the drink in her hand in his face. people around her cheered, she look at the crowd and smiled.

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