The Prophecy

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Beast boy and Robin were re-watching Slade recent attack "Freeze,rewind." "Dude we've been looking at this all day, I'm telling you there's nothing there." Beast boy tells Robin, "There has to be, play it again." Beast boy sighed "Slade kicks butt take 304." You then teleported to the main room "(Y/n) any reports from the different cities?" Robin asked "Well the ones that didn't run in fear, had no idea what it was." "Cyborg anything?" "I cross match that symbol with every database on the planet. Nothing came up, whatever it is is not from earth." "New powers, cryptic threats, targeting Raven, Slade is playing a whole new game now and this symbol is the key we will find out what it is." 

"Well while you do that I'll just go check on Raven." You said as you walked away, you soon made it to Ravens room, you knocked on her door "Hey how's it going finding out about that symbol?" You opened her door "Nothing, it's not in any of my books." She says "Are you doing okay?" "It's nothing I just haven't been able to meditate lately that's all." She answers "Hopefully this will be over soon, Robin is just trying to be on the safe side because of you and it has to deal with Slade." "Slade doesn't concern me." Is all she said before the alarm went off as Starfire calls for everyone. A picture of the symbol was on the counter "Cyborg was correct, this symbol is not of the earth and what I have discovered is most disturbing. Please give your attention to this quadrant, in the folk lord of the Zarklard nomads markings such as these were used as a pray load to the Goldling." "Actually." Beast boy tries to say something "A savage ritual that requires all Zarglack warriors to consume vast quantities earth worms and-" Beast removes the dot from the symbol "Uh its tofu calzone, my bad." "Oh nevermind." Is all Starfire said 

The alarm started to go off that had to deal with Slade, he was found in a worn down place "Vandalism, I'd say that you hit an all new low Slade." Robin says "The Teen Titans nice of you to drop by, but as you can see I'm right in the middle of something, I'll deal with you in a few minutes." "No we'll deal with you now." "You can't always have what you want Robin." Slade uses his fire power on the ground making him get away "Titans! split up and take him down!" the Titans split up "Doesn't Slade know that this whole block is already slatted for demolition?" "Since when does Slade need an excuse to wreck stuff." Beast boy says as he turns into a dog to run after Slade "Maybe Slade has a motive for all of this" You answered Cyborg, Beast boy was yours and Cyborgs distraction for Cyborg to use his sonic cannon on Slade "Fire in the whole." Cyborg shot his cannon at him, but Slade dodged the attack using his fire power to hit the wall causing it to fall on you and Cyborg luckily it was Beast boy to turn into a dinosaur to save you both "Yeah you better run!" Cyborg yelled to Slade "Great save." You told Beast boy

"Titans do you read me." Robin says to his communicator "I read you but I don't see you." Cyborg as, as all around is flames "I see you all, and something else." Starfire says as she sees the fire made the symbol, as the fire dies down you all regroup "Everything in a three block radius had been destroyed, except this, Slade left it standing for a reason." Robin stated "According to the city's master plan this is the original town library, but it's been abandoned for decades." "No wonder this place is a dump." Beast boy then kicks apart of the library making the front crash down revealing the symbol "The mark of scath, Slade told me the name." Robin says, Raven had a surprised expression on her face "Wait, we shouldn't go in it's probably a trap." Raven said but was turned down "It's also our only lead we'll just have to chance it." Robin says, Starfire then opens the doors "Dudes even without the creepy librarians, I'm not digging this place." "Why would they destroy this place when books are still inside." Your heart was shattered for the many books 

"It's a dead end." "There's nothing here, can we go now." Raven says, as a door slide opened causing Beast boy to scream "I mean um cool, secret passage, you go first." Beast boy was hinting at Cyborg to go "Yes, very cool." You patted Beast boy on the head then went behind Cyborg. There were many statues with cloaks on them "I didn't realize your libraries housed unpleasant sculptures." "They don't, this part of the building is old, I mean old old like before the city was built." Cyborg said after Starfire, Raven walked in, as did the many symbols on the wall turned red all the statues eyes turned white as there ghost came from them "The gem was born of evils fire, the gem shall be his portal he comes to claim he comes to desire. The end of all things mortal." "Raven?" Robin calls out as she runs back up the stairs.

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