Final Exam

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No one's P.O.V

"Ah man come on it got to be here some place, I don't believe this how could you lose the remote!" Cyborg yells to Beast boy "What makes you so sure I lost it heck it could have been (Y/n) who lost it." Beast boy try's to pin it on you "Oh no you don't, unlike you I know where I put my stuff." You tell him "Also it's you." Cyborg tells Beast boy "Hey just because I lost that video game-."

Cyborg-"And the toothpaste."

(Y/n)-"Also the volleyball."

Cyborg-"And my Football."

(Y/n)-"Lets not forget the comic book I lend you."

Cyborg-"And the waffle iron."

"Things disappear how am I supposed to know where they go." Beast boy defends himself "Well how am I supposed to watch TV without a remote!" Cyborg fires back "Simple you just get up and change the channel." Raven suggest "Don't even joke like that." Cyborg says "I wasn't joking." Raven tells him "Good cause it wasn't funny now either help us find the remote or go back to your book!" Cyborg yells "This is a pointless argument over a useless device you are wasting your energy and disrupting my concentration." Raven says

the arguing continues until Robin and Starfire walks in "Wow take it easy titans combat practice is this afternoon." Robin interrupts the argument "We should mentor distribute by sharing unhealthy junk food I shall fetch them." Starfire says "I don't need food but I need-!" Cyborg continued yelling Robin try's to stop the arguing but no that didn't work (I guess Star saw something in the fridge that scared her because now there is all this blue icky stuff on us) you thought, Starfire blasted the fridge so that's why 

"Maybe we should go out for pizza." Robin suggest you all get cleaned up and go to the pizza place you are all debating on what topping to get  "Can we please order something." Raven says to the group "As long as it is vegetarian." Beast boy says "Come on man how can you deny the all meat experience." Cyborg tells him "Dude I've been most of those animals." Beast boy says offended 

"What do you want (Y/n)?" Robin asks "I'm fine with anything." you say "I suggest a large pizza with pickles with bananas and mint frosting." Starfire suggest "Maybe I'm not fine with everything." you say and the arguing for the pizza topping continues  "Hey why don't we have three sides of the whole pizza on one side you just have plain cheese for beast boy and have pepperoni on the other side for Cyborg and for the third side you have olives and mushrooms for Robin." You tell them 

"Yeah I'm fine with that." Beast boy agrees "Alright now I can agree with something." Cyborg says "Great thinking (Y/n)." Robin tells you Starfire smiles in joy "Yeah I'm okay with this." Raven says, that's when you guys hear honking you all get up and see a bus is about to hit a baby carriage "Titans Go!" Robin says.

Raven, Cyborg and Starfire go stop the bus while Robin and Beast boy go to your side you teleport yourselves to the carriage "Um don't buses normally have drivers." Cyborg says, "And don't baby carriage normally have babies." Robin also question Robin then pulls out a teddy bear out of the carriage "Are you pit sniffers normally this stupid."  the teddy bear says,the bear sends a laser blast at you, Robin and Beast boy while someone picks up the bus and crush Cyborg, Starfire and Raven with it 

"This isn't over." Robin says Cyborg blast the bus off of them "It's just getting started!" Cyborg yells "Who are these guys." Beast boy questioned "We are the H.I.V.E." The small boy says "Your worse nightmare." The big dude says "And this is attack pattern alpha." The girl with pink hair says, they all go in different direction the kid comes straight where you are sending blast, you grab Robin and Beast boy and teleport near the rest of the titans "Ah we heard about that stupid teleport power you have but luckily we have something to stop you." The kid tells you 

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