Titans East Part 1

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You were in the car singing with Cyborg "When there's trouble you know what to do." "Call (Y/n) and Cyborg!" You said after Cyborg "She can vanish from your view~." Cyborg sang "While he can shoot a rocket from his shoe cause he Cyborg do do do~" You also sang with him, you guys then got a call from the tower "What up." You responded "Oh hello friend I am missing already the sight of you makes my eyes sore." Starfire says "

"Yeah it's totally been lame here without you two, Raven stinks at video games it's like she isn't trying." Beast boy points to Raven "Just cause you glue the controller to my hands doesn't mean I want to play." "So how goes the cross country trip?" Robin asked "Just dandy it's like 80 below, the hail is messing up my paint job and why did I volunteer for this!?" Cyborg questioned "Cause after Brother blood stole your blue prints and used them to attack us, Aqualad and Bumblebee tracked him to Steal City so now their starting the Titans East to take them down and your both heading out there to help the team set up their new tower." Beast boy explained

"The Titans East need your technical know how while (Y/n) shows them how to keep a team together." Robin said "It will also be a good way to see some old friends maybe new ones too." You put in, "Yeah and maybe if I stick around long enough I could get another chance to bring down blood, personally." "And even if you don't a little time away from home might do you some good." Robin says to Cyborg "Agreed you have been somewhat lobstery lately." Starfire says  

"I think she means crappy." Raven corrected "Besides somebody got to show these copy cats on what being a titan is all about-."  Beast boy says before he got hit with a game controller, the call ended, you and Cyborg get to the run down tower, he knocks on the door but it falls over "Seems like we have to work on security." You said, you both walk around you finally hear arguing close by 

You go to where its happening it was in the main area, you see the whole team arguing "Seems like you have some work to do (Y/n)." Cyborg whispers to you, you clear you throat to catch their attention "Cyborg, (Y/n) thanks for coming say hello to the- Titans East." Aqualad paused because two of the members walked away while the twins ran fast to you "Meet Más and Menos." "Hola! Somos gemelos idénticos, Nacimos siete veces la vida para ser más rápidos que el sonido, Pero solo somos poderosos cuando nuestros cuerpos se tocan así, Más y Menos si podemos!" (Hello! We are identical twins, We were born seven times a lifetime to be faster than sound, But we are only powerful when our bodies touch like this, Más y Menos yes we can!) (My bad If I messed up-Author)

The twins said at  the same time "Nosotros fuimos a guatemala." (We went to Guatemala) They said and now wearing a hat, Cyborg had an confused expression on his face "They go very fast only when their touching." Aqualad explained, "Hola pequeña, mi nombre es (Y/n) y este es mi amigo Cyborg." (Hello little one's, my name is (Y/n) and this is my friend Cyborg) You spoke fluently in Spanish but they quickly sped off "And of course you already know speedy and Bumblebee." "Hmm." Is all Speedy said "Hey guys welcome aboard the happy train, were having loads of fun." Bee says in a sarcastic tone "Rough day." Aqualad said "Then lets smooth it out, what's say I get to work." Cyborg starts to work on the security system, the twins quickly came running back to you but with bouquet of roses "Esto es para usted señora, gracias por estar aquí." (This is for you ma'am, thank you for being here) You couldn't help but smile at the gift from the twins "Aww thank you, you two are so adorable." You took the flowers Mas fell back with a big smile on his face but his brother caught him dragging him away also smiling.

You teleported the flowers back to your room in the tower, "Hey princess help me out here." You look over to speedy who was calling for you, you teleported to where he was "Just use your powers to bring up the tile then I'll use the nail gun." And that is what you did you brought up the tile then speedy shot at the right points "You know this way will make it a whole lot easier too." You used you powers to bring up four tiles and set them on the wall you then brought you the nails and moved your arms back sending the nails to their point, Speedy seemed impressed 

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