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The Titans were going up against Doctor Light "Oh how it was so de-lighted to fight you but sooner or later the power will go out." you say "How I hate your idiotic puns if you would stop moving maybe I can blind you for once!" Beast boy comes in a wolf form "A wolf is no threat when it was blind as a bat." Light says, he blinds Beast boy, Starfire comes up and almost blast him but light sends some device that trapped her, so you teleport yourself in the trap and teleport Starfire out of there 

"Azarath-metrion-zin ahh!" Light blasted Raven, Raven throws a motorcycle at him but light stopped it, light blasted Raven again "Don't come any closer." she says "Whats the matter afraid of the light." he says, raven eyes were red tentacles came out of her clock it grabbed light and he was screaming for her to stop "Raven no!" Robin yelled that's what snapped raven out of it Doctor light looked traumatized "Dude Raven what did you do." Beast boy asked raven looked at you guys with red eyes beast boy screamed and fell back you didn't even flinched because you knew how it felt to lose control of your power

it was the morning and the titans were having breakfast at the tower Beast boy was the one who made breakfast but the eggs were tofu so you didn't eat much raven finally joined you guys she was just pouring herself some tea "Hey raven wants some breakfast?" Robin asked "Its good wakey wakey tofu eggs and bakey." Beast boy tells her "Herbal tea." is all Raven said "Come on just one little taste you could use some food after the way you cooked doctor light." Beast boy says "No!" Raven yelled at him with her red glowing eyes which made all the food he had to go in his face raven then left the room 

"Maybe you should go apologize." Robin suggested "Me I'm not the one who turned breakfast into a battle field I was trying to be nice but how hard I tried she still treats me like tofu eggs you know she never once laughed at any of my jokes." Beast boy says "Raven is complicated there is much about her we aren't meant to understand." Starfire says "Then how are supposed to deal with her how can we trust her I mean." Beast boy tells them "She's our friend what more do we need to know." Robin tells him "He's right I always teleport out of no where when I'm scared or sick and you guys still deal with me." you say

you and Cyborg were walking down the hallway to go play video games but you two see Beast boy near Raven's door he just knocked on the door once, you teleport you and cyborg behind him Beast boy turn around and run into you both "You might want to knock a little louder." Cyborg tells him, Cyborg knocked on the door but he actually broke the door down "Uh Raven sorry about the door, Raven?" Cyborg says "Dude she's not here come on." Beast boy tells you guys "Were in Ravens room we should not be in Ravens room she doesn't let anybody in here ever not even (Y/n)." Cyborg says in a whisper 

"So this is our big chance to find out more about her." Beast boy says "Well instead of snooping around why can't we just talk to her instead." you suggested "You know that won't work and here look check out this mirror ah is that a zit." Beast boy says beast boy then screams, a black hand grabbed him through the mirror you grabbed onto his legs while Cyborg grabbed onto your waist but you all got sucked in the mirror you fall into this weird place "Um where are we?" Beast boy asked "Your asking the wrong robot." Cyborg says, you try to teleport to the other side of the rock you guys are on but nothing you then use your telekinesis on yourself and it worked you were up in the air "Guys I can't even teleport out of here or even teleport." you say 

"I guess we start walking." Cyborg says, the rocks started forming a path you guys just started walking "Who booby traps a mirror." Beast boy asked "Maybe it wasn't a trap maybe it's raven's way home maybe this is where she's from." Cyborg says "That could be a possibility." you say "Definitely creepy enough." Beast boy whispered "Turn back." you hear a faint voice it wasn't either of you guy so you all are looking left or right to see who it is you look up to see the birds are saying it "Hey little guy's me and my friends are wondering if-." Beast boy says but the birds kept coming closer and closer "Umm yeah if I had my powers back I would have been far away from this!" you yell in a scared voice 

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