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The titans got a package "Check it out this was sitting by the front door fan mail!" Beast boy says "Well one way to find out." Cyborg says while he opens it, there where puppets of each of the titans you grabbed the puppet that looks like you "This is kinda creepy." you whispered, the boys started making there puppets fight with each other you decide to leave the doll in the box away from you, and head to bed

while you were sleeping you heard screaming you quickly teleport to the scene and see Raven and Starfire they screamed when they saw you "Whats up with you guys." you asked them "(Y/n) have you been hearing the strange noises?" Starfire asked you "Besides the two of you I haven't heard anything." a blast came toward you guys luckily it didn't hit you guys you turn to see Cyborg, Robin and Beast boy coming after you guys but their eyes were blue Robin comes your way and throws a ninja kick at you but you quickly teleport the other way to dodge him

Raven was fighting Beast boy while Starfire fights Cyborg "What is wrong with you Robin!" Robin then throws a device to you which exploded you fell to the ground, Cyborg had Starfire in his arms he then comes up to you and tightly hold you in his arms Beast boy hit Raven which sent her back to you guys Cyborg then caught her "Come on guys this isn't funny." you tell them "Friends why do you attack us?" Starfire asked "Oh there not your friends anymore they are my puppets these are your friends." some puppet guy say while showing you the guys puppets "(Y/n)." the Robin puppet tries to say your name "Raven." The Cyborg puppet says "Help." Beast boy puppet manages to say

 "Release them." Raven demanded "Sorry but your not in charge here you don't command me I  command you." The puppet guy says, you try to teleport away and stop all this madness but there was a force keeping you there "And with the puppet king pulling the strings the teen titans will command the entire city." "Azarath...Metrion....Zinthos" is all raven said but it did work it sent everyone back and the three of you out of Cyborgs grip your souls came back to your bodies you three quickly get up and hid under the ground 

"The boys what are we going to do." Starfire asked, Raven turned on the light the three of you gasped at what you saw "Starfire?" Raven says while looking at you but its actually Starfire in your body "Raven?" Starfire says by looking at herself but its raven inside her body they both turn to you to see you in ravens body "This isn't good." you tell them you guys travel under ground leaving the tower and made it to the city the three of you get out of the ground "Oh this is awful terrible horrible awful." Starfire says "Hey it's not that bad being in my body." you tell her, you guys start walking while Starfire rants about what just happen while doing so a lot of stuff is being disfigured from its shape 

"Hey Hey it's okay just breath for a minute your just anxious, my powers are a little bit interfere with my emotions, you see how when I'm scared I teleport out of sight that is because of my emotions it doesn't really effect all my telekinesis but right now it is." you tell Starfire "But what if I'm stuck like this forever!?" Starfire says, "We'll fix it I don't know how but we will rescue the boys and we'll get our bodies back." Raven Tells Starfire, you guys heard a bird the three of you guys looked up and see Beast boy "We need to go." you said

the three of you started running and made your ways to an alley Raven tries to fly but she doesn't know how to "We can not fight them again I do not wish too and in our present condition we'll surely be defeated." Starfire says, "Okay how do you fly this thing." Raven asked "You must feel flight when you feel the joy of flight you will fly." "Look." you say by stopping their conversation, it was Beast boy "And were running again." You grabbed the two and started running you turned to an alley to be met by Robin you turn back to see Beast boy, Robin run toward you guys but Starfire grabbed you and raven and teleported to a different alley "Nice on Star." you tell her

but Cyborg smashed the wall which scared Starfire she still had her hands on you guys so she teleported to a different alley but it was a dead end the boys soon found you guys "(Y/n) you have to get us out of here." Raven tells you, you try to remember how to even use her powers "Just focus." Is all Raven says "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." you say and quickly started flying away you were holding Raven and Starfire when you guys were away from them you asked Raven "Hey how do I stop flying?" "You look at the ground and imagine-" but instead of imagining something you just looked down which caused you guys falling into a bag of garbage 

you hear someone walking near you guys so you quickly hid behind all the trash with the two it was the guys trying to find you "Enough we will catch the other two after the ceremony is complete come my puppets." when they left you guys move away from the trash "Quickly our friends are in danger we must follow and-." "And what save them with our unusable powers while you keep teleporting to different spots every time you get scared." Raven tells Starfire, "At least I'm able to teleport on my planet even a new born has the ability to fly but you are too busy being grumpy and rude." Starfire says her eyes start going red, you were confused at first but realized its the other side of you 

"Hey! we need to calm down please I know were stressed but arguing will just cause more and more problems." you say, Raven notice Starfire red eyes but the red eyes go back to normal "You may have my body (Y/n) but you know nothing about me." Raven tells you "I could say the same thing for you too, there are some stuff I keep secret because I just don't want to talk about it but that's what we all have in common we keep secrets to the point we distance our self from people trust me I know how it is but we can always try to get to know each other."

"Perhaps you are right and if we are going to over come this we must know everything about each other so please start sharing." Starfire says, and that's where you guys started telling each other stuff about yourselves when that was over you guys go to a abandon building to see Beast boy blocking the entrance "We'll have to try the roof." Raven says "Agreed now do as just as I instructed close your eyes and thing of something joyful." Raven breath in then breath out she started flying while holding the two of you, when you guys made it to the roof she let go 

"Very, Very good what was your joyful thought?" Starfire asked "You not talking." Raven says "She is straight up savage." you said "Oh well I am glad that I was able to help." Starfire tells her "Its your turn Star just focus on the lock and then let go." you tell her, she nodded her head she then brought up the lock then broke it "Nice job!" you tell her, you guys got into the building the three of you kneel down to keep a low profile but the puppet were going to put your friends who were puppets in the fire you quickly use Raven's power to get them out of there you brought them to you "Oh thank god you guys are okay." you tell them while holding them "(Y/n)?" the Robin puppet says  

"Go my puppets capture them." the puppet king says you try running but the boys block your way Cyborg then blast the three of you making you let go of your friends the three of you guys stopped yourselves by flying you three go in a different direction Robin went after Starfire while Cyborg went after raven, so that means you got Beast boy he grabbed you while flying but you got out of his grip by kicking him "Azarath Metrion Zinthos." you sent Beast boy crashing into Cyborg "Thanks." Raven said "No problem-." you were cut off by robin kicking you out of sight you were going to fall until raven saved you but you left Starfire "Help!" you quickly left raven and went to Starfire to help her you used ravens power and pushed beast boy out the way 

but then Cyborg grabbed robin and throw him at you which made you fall "Not me them!" she pointed at the puppets, the puppet king was going to put them in the fire "No!" Raven said she then used Starfire powers by blasting the puppet king which made him let go of the puppets and the controller for his puppets to go in to fire your souls then went back to your original body

"I am me and you two are you." Starfire says excited "And were us!" Cyborg says relieved "Thanks to you three." Robin says "You go girls." Beast boy tells you guys  

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