Date with Destiny

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The Teen Titans was chasing fang, who was a guy with a spider head Robin was riding his motorcycle while Cyborg was driving in the T-car with raven, you, Beast boy and Starfire were flying in the air fang hits Beast boy with a web glob you and star still continue to go after fang, but fang shoots a web glob at the T-car Cyborg had to pull over, fang finally got you and Starfire, Star went to the ground while you got stuck on the side of a building "Come on missions they say it'll be fun they say, but I'm stuck on the side of a building covered in who knows what." you said, you look to see Robin still chasing fang you teleport to where he was about to be but he wasn't there you look up to see Robin falling he was stiff, so you use your telekinesis to bring him down carefully 

the others meet up with you "The venom effect is only temporary." Cyborg says "He's getting away we have to go after him." Robin manage to say, "You mean we have to go after him." Raven says "You need to chill until that stuff wore off." Cyborg tells him "Dude we can handle it the guy got a spider for a head it's not going to be hard to find." Beast boy says, "Come on I'll take you back." you teleport the both of you to the tower, while the rest of the titans find fang you sat down working your powers on Robins nerve's "How does that feel?" you asked "Much better, now we can solve our other problem, titans any luck on finding our jewel theft." Robin asked the rest of the titans on his communicator 

"We found something worse." Raven responded, they go to fight all the moths attacking the city bridge when it seems over more moths came in view "Uh were going to need back up." Cyborg says "Don't bother even if you defeat a few of my children you won't be able to stop me from releasing the entire swarm you'll do exactly as I say." killer moth says appearing on the screen "What do you want." Robin asked him "My demands are simple the city will declare me ruler the teen titans will surrender and Robin will take this lovely young lady to her junior prom." "Hi Robypoo." A blonde girl on the screen says

"That's a weird nickname." you said "Her name is kitten and you will take her to prom." Killer moth demanded "This sounds fun, well except the fact of taking a crazy girl on a date." "Were going to need a minute." Robin says while grabbing you hand and pulling you into the hallway Robin pulled out his communicator "Cyborg report." "Bad can't hold them off much longer if your going to do something do it quick." Cyborg says, "I got to do it." "Well of course you do." you tell him "Are you even going to stop me?" Robin asked "Why would I? were doing this for our team." "I don't know I really don't want to do this." he says while walking back to the main room "Do we have a deal." Killer moth asked 

"I'll take the girl to prom." "Don't tell me ask her." Moth says "You got to be-." "Do it!." Killer moth demanded "Will you go with me to the prom." it seems like it nearly killed Robin to say that "Oh Robypoo I thought you never ask." Kitten says, that call ended Robin contacted the other titans "I bought you some time killer moth he is controlling the mutants insects find him and stop him start your search with her." "Who is she?" Raven asked "She is an annoying girl who throws tantrum when she can't get what she wants." you said "Her name is kitten she has some connection to killer moth find a connection and I bet you'll find him (Y/n) will join you to help you with the search." 

"Hey what about you aren't you going to help us." Beast boy asked "I can't I have a date." Robin answered Robin thinks you teleport your self to the Titans but you just went to your room, you contact the titans "Hey guys I won't be joining you." you tell them "What, you better explain." Beast boy says "Well for one its a prom two I have this perfect dress, when was the last time have you guys even seen me in a dress." "When we fought Mumbo." Cyborg tells you "That doesn't count." you tell him "Well she would be keep an eye on the kitten girl." Raven says "And she'll look so cute in a dress." Starfire agrees,"The jury has made there decision bye bye." you ended the call

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