A/N & QnA

37 1 0

Ghost's POV

Ugh! School has been making me get less sleep. At lease the teachers there are pretty chill tho. I haven't check my wattpad in a while now. I still update,but I haven't check the viewer count. Enough of that. I should continue the scrip for the journalist club.

Shadow - Uh,Ghost? You in here?

Shadow? What is she doing here?

Ghost - Yēąh? Whąț ī§ īț?

Shadow - Have you check your viewer count lately?

Ghost - Ňø? Whý?

Shadow - I really think you should check it. Bye!

Shadow them left,leaving me alone again. Why does she want me to check my viewer count? I didn't question after that,and check my wattpad account. Once the app opened I went to my profile. It didn't seem like it changed,but it did add a few more followers. When I looked at the story I made my eyes went wide shock.

Ghost - 1. 22k vīēws? Ąņđ 70 vøţē§?

Wha- Huh? I-.... I don't know what to say. I didn't even thought my book would even get this many view from the first place.

Ghost - Øh mý ģø§h. Țhāņķ ýøū §ø műçh. Ī ām §ø ģřəāţfűł. Į'łł ţəłł ýøū mý §țøřý ņøw....


When I first got this app,I though i would just get bored in a few weeks. But I was dead wrong.

I loved the stories creators make. The first ever fandom i ever joined was the beyblade fandom. I kept watching beyblade burst on my tv everyday me wishing they'll make something new.

That's when my mom introduce me to wattpad. She said there was millions of stories there I can read. So I installed the app. My mom thought me how to make an account,and when it was done i immediately search for a beyblade burst fanfic. And when I did,i couldn't believe it. There was many fanfics there. Day,night,afternoon I'd read until I couldn't anymore.

Then Gallery showed me the countryhuman fandom. It was filled with countries in humanoid bodies and gay Shit. I was very exited when I saw countryhumans Philippines,it's my country after all. I kept seeing history related stuff there and read it. I was very fascinated on history after that,the best part was i got my grades in history up. And when I teacher asked me how I was able to get my grade high up I just said i like reading countryhumans. The look of confusion on her face was hilarious. Didn't see any countryhumans Dream SMP. So I made them in my style. Which is how L'manburg was created.

After a year of reading these countryhumans fanfics,I decided to make my own. I only did it for fun and not get bored in my house since my friend moved away. But seeing how much of you read it,I am greatful to all of you who reads this. I'm happy you all liked my story. I know some people might think 1. 22k isn't a lot,but I'm still amazed on how much I've become. Thank you,all of you for reading this and sometimes vote for this.

And with that I wanted to have a QnA with you all. You can ask any questions you want,and I'll answer then as much as I can. You can ask 1,2,3,just any questions you want. Just comment on the word questions and I'll see what questions you want to ask me. The dead line is on September 25,9:00 AM, Philippines time line.

And again,Thank you,to all if you....

Gallery - Annddddd,That a rap! Oh and congrats Ghost!

Shadow - Yeah,congrats,pre

Questions :

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