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Thank you for the reads. I didn't think people would acually read this. And I would like to give you something in return for the reads. You all have to wait a few chapters,tho.

I have some country names and who ever wins im using it for future chapters. So please vote I need a name and i can't decide.


1. Polive/Boy

2. Gerlin/Girl

3. Mountaino/Boy

4. Selilona/Girl

5. Alikin/Boy

6. Jarkalik/Girl

That's all the names just vote. The dead line us in June 18 9:00 am Philiphines timezone. Better vote now.

And there is one more thing. If you were focus on the other chapters. You'll know that the ASEAN family along with Russia,his siblings,Martial,Del Pilar,Germany,and Mexico died and came back to life as hybrids. Some of you might not know what their hybrid is,so I made a list.

L'manburg - Have blue and gold wings on her back and where her non-existant ears are. Also have very sharp teeth.

Russia - Has wolf ears and tail and sharp teeth.

Germany - Has a golden halo with stars and wings.

Mexico - Light yellow wings

Philiphines - Left blue wing,Right red wing with gold at the bottom.

Martial - Left dark red wing,Right dark blue wing with black at the bottom.

Del Pilar - Left,white angle wing. Right,black demon wing.

Ukraine - Random flowers will grown on his head. He can also control plants.

Kazakhstan - Just like L'manburg wings on back and ears. But,color yellow.

Belarus - Wolf ears but fox tail.

Indonesia - Golden wings.

Malaysia - Tiger ears and tail.

Vietnam - Fox ears and tail.

Singapore - White halo and wings.

Brunei - Black and white wings.

Thailand - Demon horns and Angle wings.

Myanmar - Wolf ears,no tail. Has green wings.

Laos - Cat ears and tail.

Cambodia - Dragon horns and tail.

Ok. I didn't even realized there were a lot of them.

That's it folks! Hope your having a wonderful time,and if you enjoy make sure to drop a vote! And if you really enjoy try to drop a follow it will help a lot. Untill next time,I'll see you on the next chapter! See ya!

"Chat I will always be here..........-Tommyinit"

Word Count - 382


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