Chapter 25||Secrets

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Austria-Hungry's POV

The past you countries eventually came home since we had nothing to do there and KOF keeps judging people. Hey! At lease it's night and the kids are home and me and Third could finally discuss our thing.

Third - You good?

A.H - Huh-? What the- Don't do that. How do you keep doing that.

Third - Beats me? Can we just do the thing already?

A.H - Okay,okay. Let's go.

Prussia's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my brother's son and husband. I couldn't hear nor read what their saying is. Now I regret not learning with AE when he offered me to learn with him to read lips.

AE - What are you doing?

I jumped when I heard AE. How does he even move without anyone noticing him.

Prussia - Nothing.

AE - Oh,really? Cause it looks like your trying to spy on those two.

Prussia -  Their acting suspicions. On our way here they were talking so.e things.

AE - Let me see. I can read lips after all.

I let's AE room for him to read what are they saying. I can only hear a few things like 'do they know?' And 'we must be stealthy'. AE hoy up and looked at me in the eyes.How

AE - They said something about some big BIG secret that not even other countries now know. Only them and those kids.

Prussia - I don't get it. They look weak to me. But i guess we souldn't judge others. What are they even capable of?

AE - I don't know. But they said there's a basement here. Maybe we can look for clues there?

Prussia - Alright,Let's go.

KKK/Katipuan's POV

F.Thai - Are you sure this is a good idea?

I turn to F.T to see her looking around unsure. You see. The both of us just suddenly woke up and decided to look around the basement.

KKK - And you think betraying JE was a good idea? Come on. I'm just curios about this place. Our children have changed. I wanna know how.

F.Thai - And looking in the basement is a good idea?

KKK - Don't tell me you still believe the story I told you when we were kids. Don't worry. Those mananangals only go for pregnant women.

F.Thai - I'm still not sure about this.

KKK - Look,we can go and leave,OK? Let's go.

F.Thai - At lease I know where did your son get his stubborness.

The both of us made it to the basement and saw Prussia and Austrian Empire. How did they even get here?

Prussia - What are you doing here?!

KKK - What are you doing here?!

F.Thai - Oh my gosh. I didn't agree to any of this.

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