Sixty four || Katie

Start from the beginning

'You walked in with smudged mascara and your black sweatpants and hoodie and I called you emo and you said just gave me an empty glare. I expected you to call me a meat head or something.' He leans against the doorframe. 'You went into your room and I head a thud and then it went silent so I thought you hung yourself or something. Scared the living shit outta me.'

'Get out Damon.' I stay seated on the ground. 'This conversation is so uncomfortable,'

'Since when have you ever felt uncomfortable around me?' He questions since he has a point. 'You used to purposely choke yourself so that you could throw up on me as a kid.'

'Key word. Used to.' I hum. 'But I seriously just want to be in my own silence alright?'

'Okay,' he says before doing the complete opposite by stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. Sitting down on the ground he pulls his knees up so he can watch me. He doesn't say anything.

'What are you doing.'

'Leaving you in your own silence.' He whispers. 'I'm just watching so that you don't actually kill yourself. Girls can be really emotional and I don't want you to do anything.'

'Get out.' I crumble the plan B box manual and throw it at him but he blocks it. Immediately regretting it he doesn't look at it so I sigh from relief.

Narrowing my eyes at him he pokes his cheek. 'Are you mad at me over Brylan.'

'I can't be. I'd be a hypocrite.' He shake my head before pausing after I realize what I just admitted to.

'A hypocrite?' He asks but I stay quiet. Instead I just close my eyes and lay down on my back in hopes that he'll just let me wallow in my self pity. Opening my mouth only fucks things up so I won't.

'Are you into Colton?' He asks but I just ignore him. Pestering me over the question I ultimately sit up out of frustration.

'No.' I state before laying back down on his back. 'I don't know why I said hypocrite okay?'

'Poor guy. His feelings are one sided again.' He laughs sarcastically but I freeze.

Slowly sitting up again I stare at him for a good minute because I don't know how to respond. He could just be joking so if I say something stupid I'd be exposing both me and him.

'What are you talking about.'

'You know what I'm talking about.' He aimlessly gets up before walking to my desk. Pulling out the drawer he digs under everything before pulling out Colton's  diary. 'I was looking for a something and I found this. I've already read it before but I'm confused on why you have it. I assumed he wasn't going to tell you.'

Blinking at him I'm so confused right now. When did he read the diary and why? It seemed like Colton was very serious about never telling Damon. It's the main reason on why he never told me.

'I read it like two years ago actually.' He flicks through it without the intent of actually reading any of the pages. 'I've known Colton for years so I've been in his room hundreds of times and to be frank he cannot hide shit. It was sitting on his desk one day so I read it.'

I still haven't said anything because I'm in shock. 'I was a little startled at first but I wasn't suprised...I always thought it was weird how he acted around you but I never thought too deep into it. I guess I was always a little harsher on him because if ur though. I kind of wanted him to tell me first but a few weeks after reading it he got with Lilah so I guess I just brushed it off.'

Well shit.

'Then I saw it here and it caught me off guard.' He places it down on my desk. 'They where more chapters and it was definitely a little confronting to read in all honesty- are you like the reason why he's been so weird lately? Does he still like you?'

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