Fifty-six | Colton

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I barely slept

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I barely slept.

Opening the fridge I rub my eyes as I grab an unopened plastic bottle of water. Going to place it on the counter I completely miss and drop it on the floor so I crouch down to pick it up. Thankfully it was unopened.

'You alright?' I hear my dad ask me. He has a nightgown on and I can tell that he actually got some sleep. At least one of us is well rested. 'You completely missed the counter.'

'Yeah I'm alright,' I place the bottle on the counter slowly to make sure it's actually there. Turning around I open the cabinet and grab a few painkillers.

'Did you hurt yourself?' He asks but I just shake my head.

'I brought I girl back last night so we didn't really sleep. She might want some pain killers when she wakes up so yeah not really.'

'Excuse me?' His voice stiffens which makes me realize what I said.

'Sorry.' I panic as I cup the medicine in my hand before closing the cabinet. 'Katie got drugged at a party so I brought here since it's safer than being with the guy that I found her with. I'm just tired and she might have whiplash so I'm going to give her these.'

'Jesus Colton.' He sighs. 'Be more descriptive next time,'

'My bad,' I put on a forced smile before grabbing the water bottle and heading towards my room.

I didn't sleep. Not because I came home late but because of what Katie said before she fell asleep. I'm unsure of if she was just spewing bullshit because she wasn't thinking straight or she was being honest because she wasn't thinking straight.

Either way I'm not sure if I really want to know. A part of me wants to ignore it for my own sake. I pushed down those feelings years ago and I've been doing so good. The last thing I want is to ruin it all over some stupid words which most likely carry zero weight.

Opening my bedroom door she's still fast asleep even though it's eleven am right now. Going around the bed to where she sleeping I place the water and pils on the beside table.

Resting my hand on her waist, since she's sleeping on her side, I try to wake her up as gently as possible. It takes me a few tries until she blinks her eyes open. Quickly shutting them she winces before quickly grabbing her forehead.

'Headache?' I offer an explanation but she just softly grumbles in pain. 'I brought you some water and painkillers,'

Turning her body so that she flat on her back she slowly sits up. 'Take it easy or you'll throw up.' I warn her as I prop the pillows behind her back.

Handing her two painkillers she swallows them with a mouthful of the water that I gave her. Taking slow breaths she follows my breathing patterns. Turning over suddenly she holders her stomach in pain.

'I feel sick.' She mumbles.

'Let's go and sit in the bathroom in case you want to throw up later.' I help her get out of bed. Grabbing both our phones I put them in my pocket before helping her stand.

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