Thirty-three | Katie

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'I'm taking one of your apple slices Bry,' I say as I reach over to her lunch tray and she—shockingly enough—lets me

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'I'm taking one of your apple slices Bry,' I say as I reach over to her lunch tray and she—shockingly enough—lets me.

Surpised that she doesn't stop me I look up at her but she's looking behind me. Glancing over to Alex he's doing the same and they both seem to have left this planet to join another civilization. It doesnt take me that much time to figure out what's going on.

'So I had free period so I went to that new coffee place right? Im not sure what you liked so I just got you a hot chocolate,' I hear Noah's voice speaking as he sits down on the seat besides me.

Completely lost of words he puts a disposable coffee cup in front of me so I slowly look down at it. Maybe it's spiked. 'Careful though its kind of hot...but it has marsh mellows and shit since girls usually like that,'

'What are you doing.' I whisper quickly. 'You sat down next to us in the middle of the cafeteria.'

'So? No ones looking,' he hums as if its obvious but its not. I can definitely feel a couple eyes staring at the back of my head and I'm too afraid to figure out where Damon and the rest of his friends are.

'And none of them are here if that's what you're worried about. We have a different lunch because we're older. I'm here because I'm skipping,' he sighs before looking at Brylan and Alex who are just as dumbfounded. I just realised that they've never actually seen him talk to me since we never talk at school. If we do its when no one we know is watching.

'You really don't have to do this.' I turned him down the other night. It was exhausting and I felt like he was just bored so he was telling me what I wanted to hear. 'If you're trying to make a point then you win,'

'Here.' Sliding off his varsity jacket, he forces my arms into it. 'You've got physical E next and it's cold as shit out. Everyone will be asking who you got this from since it's not easy to get one. I am making a point.'

'Yea no thank you .' I immediately try and remove it but he puts the buttons on so that I cant. 'Noah I dont like the attention and Damon will figure out pretty quick.'

'Relax. I can handle Damon.' He seems sure of himself which almost shocks me. Did he bump into a pole and hit his head on something because what's going on.

'You can handle Damon's anger issues? He'll snap your spine in half.' Looking over to Alex and Brylan I abruptly get up. 'I'm so sorry,'

Grabbing Noah by the wrist I drag him along. This is so fucking dangerous and as much as I wanted him to like me publicly, it's occurred to me that it was just a fantasy. It wouldn't work in real life. Pulling him across the cafeteria I hear him laughing under his breath so I glare back at him. This isn't funny.

'You said you didn't want attention but people are staring and whispering because you're wearing my jacket and now you're bringing me somewhere more secluded,' he points out the current situation which only makes me frown.

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