Hammer Time

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The shock of Loki's bad tidings, along with the presence of the Asgardian military, deflated Thor's initial hope. Loki's hand in his predicament was a bitter pill to swallow on its own. The fact that Odin and Frigga were said to be dead and Thor was believed to be responsible for this rose to the top of his concerns. But the amount of enemies- many once considered to be friends- was too great in number. There was nothing to do but but fight. Then, after the battle had ended, he would have words with Loki.

Helion fought at Thor's side and felt the despair and hurt radiating from his lover. He longed to comfort him, but knew it was not the time or place for such things. Though the newcomers had been a boost to their ranks, Ultron and Loki's armies were formidable in number.

Thor roared as he drove the hammer in an upward arc, knocking several robots up into the air. Then, with a fierce strength, he snatched the ankle of one of the airborne enemies and ripped it to the ground. Lightning sparked from his hand, blowing the downed robot up and sending bursts of lightning out across the ground at several more as they moved in on him. One of the robots flew in from above and Thor kicked it hard, popping it into the air where he quickly floated up and swung the hammer down into its chest.

Helion's fingertips erupted with blazing light, piercing incoming robots as they moved with fearsome swiftness. "There has to be an end to these things!" He shouted.

"I bring all of these guests to the party and you complain," Ultron groaned. He swooped in and shoulder checked the inhuman prince, throwing him across the battlefield.

Helion started to rise when the steel man leaped overhead and collided with Ultron, knocking him down and skidding across the ground. Then a pair of hands touched his head and suddenly it felt as if his mind were expanding. His eyes went wide as pathways previously inaccessible burst open. Doors that had been sealed shut exploded, releasing content that was at once strange but familiar. All at once, several memories assaulted him as Dean Allen fully emerged. His eyes fell upon Thor and every memory flooded him.

He recalled Thor dancing with his nieces and nephews at their wedding- their wedding- to the Cupid Shuffle. Thor's insane Croc collection that he refused to part with. The way Thor loved breakfast in bed. The way his hands felt as they held him. The feel of his beard scraping his skin. The way he told him he loved him.

He recalled their children. Their twins. And a sudden stab of horror afflicted him.

I can't feel them...

He shut his eyes and focused on the babies. But, try as he might, he couldn't feel any trace of them. It was as if they didn't exist at all. Tears obscured Dean's vision and he shook them away. There wasn't time. He turned to the woman who'd just finished restoring his memories and smiled gratefully.

"Are you alright, Dean?" She asked. "My name is Jean Grey. I'm a friend of Kyle's."

Dean looked at her as if a fog were obscuring his mind. Then he gave her a slow, sad smile. "Thank you."

"I'll get your husband taken care of next," Jean promised. She reached for Dean's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

Dean tracked his husband in the distance. Thor floated up above, Mjolnir twirling rapidly in his hand. Several small funnels appeared at his command, propelling entire groups of enemies up into the air together. Then, with a huge roar, he thrust the hammer out and sent a gigantic eruption of lightning at them, utterly decimating them.

Following Jean into the air, he watched as the telepath reached for Thor. Thor turned on her, a look of defensive confusion on his features.

"Thor, don't fight her!" Dean cried out. He took Thor's hand and squeezed. "She's helping us. Please, trust me."

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