Thor's Promise

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The days that followed the birth of the boys were so full and blissful for Thor and Dean. People came from far and wide to lay eyes on the golden-haired babies and their proud fathers. The people of New Asgard engaged in merriment that went on for days, for they were always grateful for a reason to celebrate after the pain and loss they had endured. When Dean and Thor appeared with Modi and Magni swaddled in their arms, the people could not contain the emotions they felt. To see new life was precious and to be cherished.

"I love them," Astrid said when it was her turn to come and see them.

"Such big, healthy boys," Lavenda praised. "Though you are still the biggest baby I have ever delivered, Thor."

Dean turned to Thor and grinned.

"Do not say it, Fair One," Thor playfully cautioned.

"I wasn't going to say word, dear," Dean said as he failed to hide his smirk.

The Avengers, Four, and Dean's family were already in New Asgard. But soon there were even more visitors.

Carol flew down and when she looked upon the twins it was with tears in her eyes- something Dean never imagined.

The Guardians arrived and Drax reduced everyone to laughter as he played peekaboo with Modi while Rocket held Magni and surprised everyone when he started to cry.

"I am Groot?"

Rocket sniffled and looked up at Thor and Dean. "Nothing's the matter. It's, I'm not good at his kind of thing. It's just that if anyone deserves this it's you two. I remember when I first met you, Thor. And look at you now! Making babies out of magic!"

Even Nebula, usually so serious and stern, couldn't help but be charmed by the boys.

The Inhuman royal family arrived with gifts from Attilan. Medusa and Blackagar approached with their infant son, Ahura.

"We'll have to arrange some play dates," Dean said to Medusa.

"Absolutely," Medusa agreed. "They are family, after all."

"There will be another little one to join in on the fun," Sue said with a huge smile on her face.

"What?!" Johnny and Ben asked in unison.

"Sue?" Dean gasped.

Sue nodded enthusiastically as Reed embraced her from behind.

"How long have you known?" Dean excitedly asked.

"For a while. But I didn't want to say anything and take anything away from the twins' big birthday."

Dean shook his head and pulled both of them in for a hug. "I bet Franklin is excited!"

"He's very excited," Reed said as he looked off in the distance where Franklin and the other kids were playing. "He's already asking to decorate the nursery."

"And there's more," Sue said as she lifted a hand to show off an engagement band.

"Oh! Congratulations!" Thor said. He looked at Sue and smiled. Knowing that Sue had lost Reed in the snap and raised their son without him for five years only for this to happen filled him with joy.

"I thought it was time I made an honest man out of him," Sue quipped.

Daredevil arrived with heroes Dean and Thor had not met before the altered reality: Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Iron and Fist.

"I think I will count this as our first meeting," Thor said as he shook each of their hands.

"You've got a deal," Luke agreed.

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