The Destroyer

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"Am I to understand," Helion said as he stood on the edge of a cliff and pointed at the city in the distance. "That that is the only civilization left on earth?"

"I mean, I never said it was going to be pretty," Tony said. "It's literally called Doom Empire."

Helion stared across the barren landscape, his eyes taking in the gloomy, grey city. "I'm starting to suspect that perhaps death at Ultron's hands was a mercy compared to life in Doom Empire."

The city that stretched out below was kept within a large, reinforced barrier. From his vantage point, Helion could see several people walking along the top of the barrier, patrolling it with weapons.

"Why don't the people fight?" Helion asked. "Surely the might of many would tip the scales."

"There are fighters," Tony said. "Just not as many as there used to be."

Helion looked over his shoulder at the man.

"Like I said- anyone who opposes Doom, speaks out against him, looks at him the wrong way- is executed. A very public execution of," he raised his hands and made air quotations, "enemies of the state. Just to make sure everyone knows what would happen if they stepped out of line."

Helion scowled. "This Doom- he has to be stopped."

Tony grinned beneath the face plate. "I don't disagree. But the question is how?"

Helion glanced over at Lockjaw. Thrown over his back was Banner. "The four of us have power. You are a technological genius, as you continue to remind me. Lockjaw can teleport. Banner's other self is a powerful creature. And I am one of the fiercest warriors of Atillan."

Tony shook his head. "I don't mean to take the wind out of your sails, but my genius can only get us so far. Lockjaw can teleport but has to rest his powers when he goes long-distance. Hulk is as likely to kill us as he is Doom and his cronies. Plus, we don't even have Banner's consent since he's unconscious. And you? You told me that Atillan exists in total isolation. Just how many wars has Atillan had to fight?"

Helion looked back at Doom Empire and sighed. "You may be right, Tony. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try."

Tony took a few steps closer to the edge and stared into the vast expanse of the sad territory. As he did, he imagined all of the poor souls who lived there. But were they truly living? He couldn't say that they were. He imagined the daily grind of a life led under the cruel hand of a dictator like Victor Von Doom. As a boy and a young man, he'd been permitted to follow all of his dreams- even the foolish ones. To think that there may be a precocious little boy somewhere in all the gloom dreaming big dreams that could never be was heartbreaking.

"Alright," Tony sighed. "But we're going to need a plan. We can't just go in guns blazing the way we did with Ultron. Who- by the way- is probably going to send a squadron after us."

Helion nodded. "Of course. You mentioned that there are freedom fighters?"

"Uh, there were freedom fighters. Not so sure there are any left now though."

"I wonder where they are," Helion mused. If Lockjaw knew a location he could teleport all of them there.

"We could disguise ourselves," Tony said before looking over at Lockjaw. "But I don't know how you disguise a freakishly large bulldog."

Helion was in the middle of turning around when he spied a figure descending from the clouds toward them. It moved so swiftly, so purposefully, that he barely had time to follow his defensive instincts. A stream of yellow power shot from the figure's head and he raised his hands, erecting a light shield. The blast was powerful and the shield a bit weak in its clumsy build. The result was an explosion that threw Helion from the cliff.

"Oh shit!" Tony shouted before flying up into the sky.

The figure flew in at a speed so frightening it sent a chill through Helion. He threw a big handful of light in its path and the being was knocked askew and sent on a collision course with the side of the cliff. "Lockjaw- get Banner to safety!" Helion ordered.

Lockjaw growled.

"Don't argue with me!" Helion shouted loudly.

Tony darted into the fray, moving quickly alongside Helion. He targeted the attacker, who was currently hidden beneath a curtain of dust and falling rock. He unleashed several rockets, resulting in a thunderous explosion that reduced the cliff to a massive storm of falling rocks.

"Another of Ultron's?" Helion asked as he shook off the impact and began to fly in an arc to avoid more projectiles.

"No," Tony said. "At least I don't think it is."

Another stream of energy ripped out from the rubble below and their assailant freed itself from its temporary prison. As it flew up toward them, Helion took its measure. The thing was shaped like a man, but that was where the similarities ended. The entire thing seemed to be made from metal, reflective and unyielding. There were no signs of damage whatsoever- not a dent or a scratch. Spikes jutted out of the thing's arms and shoulders, promising cruelty. Its face- assuming it had one- was covered completely with a helm adorned with a sharp, flat headpiece. The eyes of the helmet were dark slits, but as it drew nearer, they began to glow and open wider.

"Move!" Tony screamed.

Another blast shot out from the thing's face, slicing the air between them as they each moved to either side. As he flew about and dodged attacks, Helion quickly noticed that the enemy was only pursuing him. Tony had flown in from the side and was firing but the thing didn't even flinch or show a sign that it was aware. It was horrifically single-minded as it pursued. Helion continued to dodge, his aerial skills coming in handy.

It's fast, he observed when he risked looking over his shoulder. He pressed on, pushing his speed as far as it could go. But the enemy was still so close. Focusing his power, Helion summoned a host of duplicates once more. The duplicates flew around in the sky in different directions, weaving a complicated distraction. The assailant came to a halt and began to open fire on them, his dreadful beams shattering the light illusions like glass. Then, sighting Helion retreating in the distance, it fired once more, this time nearly hitting its mark.

The heat of the blast caused sweat to form on his brow and he knew he couldn't escape, not with so much open air for him to be tracked. The city below was out of the question- he couldn't lead it there. He had to find a place to lose it. But all he could see for miles was flat wasteland. No cover to be seen. But suddenly the pursuer was nearly on top of him and he was denied a choice. He spun around and erected another shield- this one sturdier due to his preparedness. Despite this, the blasts that rained down on him were powerful. The enemy continued to fire as it swooped down on him, its large metallic body landing on top of the shield with a crash that sent a tremor of pain through Helion due to the strain. Then, to his horror, the armored figure raised a fist and brought it crashing down upon him. The shield shattered completely as he was sent hurtling to the city below like a falling star. Images of the city rushed to greet Helion and even in his dazed state he knew that impact would kill him from that height. If the armored enemy didn't get to him first

But then a familiar sound rang out from nearby. Helion was just trying to determine what it was when the form of Hulk came sweeping through the air toward him. He roared in outrage as he closed in on Helion, who prepared himself for a killing blow.

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