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"I've come to liberate the people of earth," Helion declared as he stared his enemies down. "If I have to go through you to do it...then so be it."

Captain Doom looked to either side and smirked. He lifted a finger to his earpiece. "Cap to Yelena- take him out. But make sure his head's intact; I want to add pretty boy to the collection."

"Affirmative," Yelena said as she took aim at Helion's back from a distant tower. "Dosvedanya," she whispered as her finger slid along the trigger.

The barrel of her rifle was stricken from the side and forced from her grip as the bullet flew, striking pavement instead of her intended target. She swiftly moved aside and turned to face her opponent. "Shang-Chi," she muttered.

"The one and only," Shang-Chi coolly responded as he moved into a graceful fighting stance, the ten rings on both of his arms gleaming with unreleased power.

"What the fuck was that, Yelena?" Cap growled over the radio as he side-rolled behind a car to avoid a luminous blast from Helion.

"There's a complication- Shang-Chi is here," Yelena grunted. She quickly unsheathed a knife, sunlight bouncing off of the polished blade.

"Taking Shang-Chi is too good an opportunity to pass up," Cap declared. "Team B- support Yelena."

Yelena lunged forward, her knife aiming for the rebel's chest. Snatching her wrist, he spun around, throwing her in front of him just as a blast of yellow-green energy rushed to strike him from behind. The blast collided with Yelena's airborne body and she was sent hurtling off of the tower.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Shang-Chi said with a little smirk as a woman floated several feet away from him. Dressed head to toe in a vibrant red bodysuit, she wore yellow gloves and boots. The same yellow color could be seen in an angular design on her chest. The upper half of her face was hidden by a mask, the eyes white. "Jessica Drew...the Spider-Woman."

Spider-Woman smiled and raised her hands once again. "You've been underground for some time." She nodded at his left arm. "That arm still hurt?"

"Oh, you mean that time you pretended to be on our side? But then we all learned how you'd turned on us? How many people did we lose that day, Jessica?"

Jessica's smile broadened. "Not nearly enough."

Shang-Chi knew better than to try and reason with his ally-turned-enemy. She'd proven herself long gone when her deception had gotten T'Challa killed. Instead, he spiral-flipped to the side, dodging another blast of energy. Spider-Woman, he knew, was capable of many feats similar to Peter. She was strong, agile, and could adhere to any surface. But the similarities ended there. Drew was capable of flight, could also generate bio-electric energy, and even manipulate pheromones. Those abilities, along with her skill in hand-to-hand combat had made her a valuable ally; now she was an even deadlier enemy.

"I should have known you couldn't be trusted. You came from Hydra, after all," Shang-Chi carried on.

"Hydra has been dead for years," Jessica called out. "This has nothing to do with them."

Shang-Chi front flipped onto the ledge, banking off of it as he extended a fist, unleashing the rings on his arm. Spider-Woman dashed aside as several of the rings shot out toward her. But as she evaded, a chain of energy broke free within the rings as they spun back around and wrapped around the woman's waist. Shang-Chi landed on the wall of the building and raced back up, defying gravity and leaping back up onto the tower. Spider-Woman was dragged through the air and sent crashing to the ground as Shang-Chi landed. The impact caused her to bounce off of the ground and land on her back.

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