Krakoa Awakens

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Kyle stumbled as the trembling of the earth escalated. Grabbing hold of a nearby chunk of Sentinel to steady himself, he watched as cracks began to appear on the ground around him and the others.

"You have no idea what you've doomed us to," Magneto roared. "Until now Krakoa has been placated. Now you'll see the full extent of its hunger- and how far it'll go to satisfy it!"

A massive fissure broke out between Kyle's feet and he quickly pushed with his mind, shooting up and away from the gap. The entire landscape around him was changing so drastically he could hardly keep up with it. Trees that had once been were gone. Buildings- including the castle- had been utterly devoured by the island.

"Look alive, people!" Cyclops shouted. He pressed the button on the side of his visor and unleashed his optic beams at maximum capacity as a massive humanoid creature began to rise up from the earth. The creature raised a defensive arm and the beam sliced through it.

Kyle hyperextended his head in order to take in the full scope of the creature. All around him, the others were running or flying to avoid its steps. Krakoa lifted a leg, it's foot poised overhead, and Kyle fired a blast of telekinesis directly at it, blowing the foot and lower leg apart. A rain of dirt fell upon him and he propelled himself upward just as Krakoa pitched forward and fell to the ground. Rogue dove from above and flew in an arc, uppercutting the creature just as it was starting to rise. It's head exploded in a burst of dirt and the body fell backward and assimilated with the earth.

"Uh, did we kill it?" Bobby asked. "Where is it?"

In answer to Iceman's question, an arm forged from earth shot up into the sky. Another hand followed and both limbs assisted in pulling a much larger, denser creature from the ground. Those who stood on the ground could feel the earth pulling at their feet as it moved to constitute the creature.

"It's regenerating itself," Lorna cried out.

A horrific laugh rose up from the earth and Krakoa soon towered over all of them.

"Keep fighting it," Cyclops shouted. "It's got to have some kind of weakness!"

"How do you fight an island?" Angel called out before a vine suddenly shot up from the ground and coiled around his waist.

"Warren!" Jean cried out. More vines burst from the ground and shot out in several directions. As some of them looped around her, she darted up away from them.

Nightcrawler teleported through the air, spinning about and cutting through several vines that had snared the others.

"None of this is going to work if it's just going to keep regenerating itself!" Psyclocke pointed out.

"She's right," Kyle added. "We'll just wear ourselves out. Might as well wear a sign that says 'eat me'!"

"That's what he said," Iceman shouted as he slid across the air, freezing several vines as they approached him.

"Really going to need everyone to take this seriously," Jean called out.

Krakoa seemed to grow several feet taller and the ground at their feet sank even deeper in response. Huge, jagged spikes of rock burst free of the earth. One nearly struck Psyclocke and she threw an agile backflip to escape it. Colossus moved between an emerging spike as it nearly hit Lorna, shattering the rock against his skin.

Emma, who had remained at Xavier's side, was on the move. Slung across her shoulder, Xavier watched as the island came alive and attacked his students. Magneto's team was even joining in the fight.

"Brace yourself!" Emma shouted. Picking up speed, she charged forward and threw her free shoulder into a sheet of rock as it slid up from the ground and took off toward her.

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