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"It's utterly disgusting," Amora spoke from beside Loki. "Seeing them so blissful, the fools."

Loki ignored Amora and focused his attention on Thor's face as he held the babies close. Through the window he could see the love shining on his face as clear as day. So much love.

Only a matter of time before one of the boys is cast aside. Thor, Odin, Bor- they're all just stairs leading down the same direction. No reason to think Thor would be any different from those who came before him.

"When?" Amora asked, pulling Loki from his thoughts.


"When do we carry out our plan?" Amora asked, her impatience loud and clear. "He won't remain patient forever."

"Are you in such a hurry to have your pretty face broken again?" Loki asked with a laugh.

Amora glared at him. "Dean being worthy of Mjolnir and surprising me was an unforeseen outcome. It won't happen again."

"Oh, I believe it very well could. I believe Dean would crush every bone in your body if provoked." He turned back to the window, noticing that the light had been turned out. "I don't believe either of us has seen the extent of Dean's rage. Or even Thor's."

"I suppose we're about to."

"Not yet though," Loki cautioned. "It's not quite time yet. We'll let them have their peace. For now."

Amora's impatient expression shifted to one of satisfaction. "I like that idea better the more I entertain it. Let them have some joy, not knowing just how tenuous it is. A thread waiting to be cut. It will be far more fulfilling that way."

The cabin was colder since she'd fallen asleep. So lost in her thoughts, Wanda only realized the fire was out after sitting up in bed for several moments.

The dream again.

It was the same each night. Ever since Westview, dreams of Billy and Tommy came to her. At first she felt it was a type of mercy her mind was granting her. A balm to ease her grieving. But each night only compounded her heartache. It had become a cruel punishment.

And then the twisted reality.

Somewhere deep beneath the manipulation, a part of her knew that the world around her wasn't real. That it was just a fabrication of lesser beings who believed they could warp reality. Believed they could control her. Using the boys to exert control over her, rerouting her thoughts when they became too reality-based- it had been a brilliant touch on their part. Her initial response would have been to visit upon each of them their most horrific of nightmares.

But being with Billy and Tommy was worth everything. She would have done anything to preserve that reality, even if it wasn't true. She had even turned her power against the others.

That was how she knew what she was about to do could be done. That she could attack Dean proved she had reached the edge of her desperation.

"Okay," she said in a broken voice as she climbed out of bed and slowly walked toward the corner of the room.

The Darkhold beckoned. It was as if it had a voice that called to her. Come to me, Wanda. And I will ease your burdens. Read from me and I will make your heart whole again. Come and see for yourself what can be.

Wanda lifted the book and reverently caressed the cover. Then, with the knowledge that there would be no turning back, she read.

Thor and Dean Odinson will return in Avengers: A Darker Shade of Scarlet

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