Once an X-Man...

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As Kyle walked alongside Emma and Psylocke, Jean used her telekinesis to support Xavier. Kyle looked at the others and felt a sense of nostalgia flow through him. Truth be told, he'd begun to feel that sensation the minute Jean had given him the uniform that day she and Xavier had visited his apartment. He looked down at his dark clothes and wished he was wearing it now.

Psylocke was wearing a purple bodysuit with darker purple armored pieces covering her shoulders, torso, arms and legs. A hooded cape fanned out around her, creating a mysterious and majestic appearance. Psylocke had joined the team just before The Blip, so Kyle knew very little about her. He knew that she was a powerful psychic capable of various feats. It was her fighting skill and her ability to craft psionic shapes that distinguished her from other telepaths though.

Jean was wearing her red and blue bodysuit, her long red hair spilling past her shoulders. Emma, who never met a midriff-baring top she didn't love, was dressed in a white corseted top that showed off her shoulders and abdomen, a pair of tight white pants, and a flowing white cape.

"Thinking about your man, Kyle?" Emma asked beside him.

"We've discussed this before, Emma- stay out of my head."

Emma chuckled melodically. "Oh, please don't insult me. One doesn't have to be a psychic to know the obvious. Don't be so cagey about it. I find it quite endearing, actually. Honestly, it's about time you found romance. Perhaps you'll be less angry and broody now."

Kyle rolled his eyes and picked up the pace. "Funny, I'm only angry and broody around you."

"Can we focus on the plan?" Psylocke suggested in a low voice.

"You mean the plan that involves finding and turning everyone on the island back to themselves?" Emma asked with a nonchalant voice.

"If Erik hasn't destroyed Cerebro then we stand a better chance of accomplishing the task more quickly," Xavier said before turning to Kyle. "Do you know if Cerebro exists on this island?"

Kyle shrugged. "I never saw it. Never heard anyone mention it either."

"But there are places Magneto hasn't told you about? Places that are off-limits to you?"

"Yeah," Kyle said as he recalled Magneto's private quarters. No one was allowed to enter there without his approval. Kyle couldn't recall ever having gone there.

"Then our plan is simple- we gain access to Magneto's quarters, find Cerebro, and use it to reach every mind on the planet," Xavier said.

"We're assuming Magneto hasn't demolished Cerebro or simply erased it from reality," Emma sighed.

Xavier shook his head. "No. Erik helped me create Cerebro. He knows how powerful it can be."

"With the aid of a psychic," Emma countered. "And, as far as he is concerned, all psychics are currently being feasted upon by this godforsaken island."

"Still, we have to try," Jean said, siding with Xavier.

"And while we're searching for Cerebro," Psylocke said, "we'll want to try and turn as many people back as possible. The more we have on our side, the better." She cast a wishful look over her shoulder and into the cave. "It's too bad we can't wake up a few more people. Some pretty big guns are sleeping."

"We can't risk it, not until we have a way to get everyone away from here safely," Xavier said.

"Well, we can't expect to finish this by talking about it. Let's go." Kyle stepped out of the cave first and had a look around. A stillness filled the air but he knew they weren't alone. Magneto's enforcers would be near. He thought about Colossus and Rogue and felt a twinge of anger. Magneto always claimed to care so deeply for mutantkind, yet he was using whatever hold he had over reality to enslave them, turn them into obedient acolytes.

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