Chapter 6 - Much confusion

Start from the beginning

"I'm talking to the wolves." She glared at her other self. "I'll go by Scarlet, but let it be known I don't like how superior you're acting. I'm only keeping you alive because my wolves don't want you to die."

The winged Grian, who'd shaken off his spook, spoke hesitatingly. "... Alright. Scott, you're probably fine as Scott for now. If you go to Empires with the other Scott, you'll probably need a nickname but... Let's cover where you came from... Sun, are you okay to talk about it?"

Sun stiffened, before nodding. "I- come from a server called Third life... E- Everyone had three lives, and when you get to your red life you became hostile... D- Do you need personal details?"

Pearl - or Scarlet, she might as well start getting used to this dumb nickname, paused. This sounded very similar to Double Life, but without the soulbounds...

"No, that's fine, thank you." Grian smiled at him. "... Anything more you'd like to cover? How'd you get here?"
"W- Well... A... Being came... After the... Final player died... They stopped me from dying after jumping off a cliff... Later made a portal later... The world was destroyed from the battles... So I went through... Ended up here." Sun muttered quietly.

Grian's lips tightened, and The other Pearl stiffened- Well, Scarlet figured she should starting thinking of them as plain Pearl, as she'd been forced this dumb nickname.

"... Describe these beings?" Grian asked quietly.
Sun looked up at his alternate."They floated... Violet magic... Masked... Black wings..." Sun murmured quietly, eyes darkening.

That description seemed familiar... She recognized after a second. It was THOSE things! Her hands tightened into fists.

Scarlet bursted out. "One of them came to me too! They killed Tilly, and forced me out of the server!" She glared at no one in particular. "I need to figure out where those beings are hiding so I can peacefully sever their heads from their body." She imagined it with a slight chuckle.

Grian and Pearl shared a look, glancing back at Scarlet.

"Similar thing happened to me too." Scott commented. "Less dramatic then Scarlet's and Sun's experience though... I come from a server called Last life. We also had a limited number of lives, with a similar thing happening when you go to red. You got randomly assigned an amount of lives from 6 to 2, and could give others lives. And, every day, someone would go... Insane. We called it the Boogeyman curse. They gained an overwhelming bloodlust, and had to kill someone, or else go down to a red life. I'm one of few who resisted it's call."

"Well that's certainly an ongoing theme." Scarlet rolled her eyes. "I come from a server known as Double Life. Three lives, just like Charles', but your soulbound to someone, sharing your health. If one dies, the other dies. If one heals, the other heals..." Scarlet commented, remembering Scott. If he did actually die... She forgave him. He'd sacrificed himself for her. He'd been the root of all of her issues, yet he had let her win.
"Red life, you turn hostile. Or at least it was meant to work that way. I... basically turned red after the first day despite not dying. I'm still red, even now." She chuckled. "You two know what being on your red life's like, don't you, Sun... Scott..." She grinned, glancing at their left sleeves. Both tug down at their right sleeves uncomfortably, and slowly nodded, looking at her with wide-eyed expressions.

"So... You're still under the influence of it?" Scott asked quietly. "That would explain the murderous tendencies..."
"No. The whispers are gone." She giggled. "It's just who I am now. That's fine, it lets me get revenge! If I was a green life, I would be forced to be a pacifistic weakling, and I wouldn't be able to avenge Tilly, or the rest of my wolves." She grinned wildly.

"Scarlet... Let me ask. Who's...Tilly?" Scott tilted his head.

"Ah, wouldn't you like to know Scott." She smiled widely. "I suppose you're not him, but you still are like him, are you not? Well, my soulmate, the Scott from Double life, abandoned me, so Tilly and I became REAL soulmates. Then that accursed being killed Tilly!" She flicked to her axe, twirling it in her hand masterfully.

Grian sighed. "Okay you guys, we're going to separate you, as clearly keeping you together isn't working." He tapped out a message on his wrist-watch looking thing, and turned to Pearl, quietly speaking. "X and False will be here for Scarlet soon, Do you have any suggestions for who to bring for Sun?"

Pearl paused, before replying quietly. "I'd say Scar, but I don't think that would help his mental state right now... Probably get Gem to meet the other Scott, as besides myself, Gem's the only one here who knows our universe's Scott well. Maybe send Charles with them? Scott and Charles haven't really fought."

"You guys know I can hear you." Scarlet glared at them.

They glanced between each other, sharing another of their looks. Scarlet was beginning to hate this, their looks shared secrets, secret intentions, secrets they had, and secrets led to betrayal.

"Good. False is one of our best PVP players, and X is an admin. Don't try anything." Grian met Scarlet's glare evenly.

Scarlet stared back. Grian's gaze was slightly unnerving, despite the blue eyes, and the child-like look of the player, his eyes were icy blue depths that felt like whirlpools. But despite this, Grian began to look vaguely uncomfortable, breaking the eye contact swiftly after.

I love Scarlet/5am Pearl, but she's HARD to write T-T. This chapter took quite a bit lol-

Also thank you for 70 reads! It means a lot :D

Wc: 1559


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