Ecuadorians Of Central City 3.0

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Jesus, Kevin, and Shorty

"I don't just love you Cam, I love all of you." Jesus used to say to everyone. Jesus was one of a select few that you could consider a friend. He would come daily around 11 AM and meet about 5 or 6 of us just to drop us off free dope to get us well. Charlie would then go to work and make his money and bring Jesus cash around 2pm to pick up the afternoon load before meeting Preston in the evening as always. There were days though where Jesus was running late and when this happened Charlie usually knew where to find him.

"Hey Big D, Have you met Jesus yet?" Charlie asked over the phone.

"Uh, yeah he's sitting right here. We're playing X Box and have one quarter left to go in this football game then he said he's coming straight to you at Mountain View Mall." Big D responded.

"Fuck!" Charlie slams the phone down.

Big D lived right down the street from Jesus and was his first stop. Big D used to smoke that Herman and Jesus loved it too so sometimes smoking that shit would slow down Ecuadorian time even more if that's even possible. The Herman if you are not aware is that stuff that makes you stoned and stupid. There was once a girl named Allison who got picked up and released on a small possession charge. She got tricked into being a rat and brought down Jesus. Nobody know's what happened to her, but just like the rest of them, she probably got her's.

Kevin was Jesus's cousin, or that's what they say. They all say they are all cousins and they're all fucking weird so nobody know's what to believe. There really isn't a way to describe it but Kevin had the most fucked up haircut anyone had ever seen. Jeff used to call him "Rufio" from the movie Hook and even Charlie thought it was such a brutal name he couldn't even go along with it. Kevin took over for Jesus and would me Charlie and Jeff at their home every weekday morning at 11 AM. Kevin was so reliable and always on time. Jeff and Charlie used to sit on the front porch and talk about some of the most craziest things and conspiracy theories you would ever think of. Jeff was retired 82nd Airborne and had done five tours overseas and he used to blow Charlie's mind with his stories. Jeff became a brother to Charlie and Charlie never forgets those weekdays morning story times on the front porch. Charlie was a great man.

Shorty was 5' tall on a good day. He had one leg but looked straight up gangster. These were Charlie's types and Charlie and Shortie got along really well. That little fucker always had good looking girls around him for some reason. Shorty like Hollywood and many others was a veteran and had done many trips back and forth from Ecuador. He would spend about eight months in Central City and about six back home in Ecuador so he knew a lot of people in Central Vally. The Ecuadorians loved to hit the Herman and go out on the weekends and get drunk. Very few of them did their own product. Shorty loved to smoke that crack. You would see him down at The Cut with a bunch of women passing the crack pipe around. He'd party so hard he'd disappear for days at a time. Charlie would call him like 30 times just to tell him to get up for work because he was worried about him.

Kevin and Shorty eventually became roommates and started working together. Before you knew it 11 AM turned into 11:30 AM. Then they would show up at 12:00 PM and Charlie would be so pissed off he would make them come inside and make them smoke out him and Jeff and before you knew it they weren't even getting there day started until 1 PM. One day Kevin and Shorty were smoking crack at a light on Monarch Avenue when a Central City Police Officer pulled up right next to them and took them right to jail ending their run of so called success.

Months later Jesus was involved in a motorcycle accident in Ecuador after having a baby girl 3 months prior. This really shook up the guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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