Ecuadorians Of Central City 1.0

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Louie, Hollywood, and Antonio

The Ecuadorians of Central City came in all different shapes and sizes. Some were cool, some were not, but at the end of the day if you thought these guys were your friends you probably had something coming because they had families to feed and you had a habit to feed. Charlie was loyal his people but if he felt like he wasn't being treated fairly he would drop you and always say, "They got 1500 other Ecuadorians running around here with the same dope so you just like your stupid cousin can fuck off!" Now probably the worst move and Ecuadorian could do would be to piss Steve off because Steve would turn around and rob your ass silly. For some reason they all loved Jeff because Jeff always kept it honest with them. "Fuck that, all they do is lie to us, they're fucking drug dealers from South America and you want to keep it honest with them," Charlie would say to Jeff. Rory and Engel would buy so much crack so whenever they were sick and needed a free balloon of tar they could score one pretty easy.

It was Louie's first day in Central City and he needed customers. He was told to go to Avenue Mall and find Charlie.

"Is this the mall?" Louie asked Charlie.

"What the fuck do you think?" Charlie replied.

"Yo bro, I'll hook you up with a gram of white for $40!"

"Thanks, but I don't need a gram of crack at 9 AM"

Two hours later Charlie and Cam are on the Lite Rail and they hear Louie from the back of the Train yelling, "Charlie, I got black / white right here bro!"

Charlie, furious, yells back, "God damn, shut the fuck up bro!"

"Who the fuck is that?" Cam asks.

"That's Louie, the new Ecuadorian down by the mall."

"Well somebody needs to tell Louie to shut the fuck up!"

Louie thought he was smart but in all reality there were much smarter Ecuadorians in Central City. Louie used to hide his dope in the flower beds in Holy Square. Steve of course robbed him of his dope in the same spot two straight days. Steve would go tell the guys that once they spent $20 with Louie he would kick them down 10 black and 10 white. He did this so everyone could clear their names and this usually meant party time down at Charlie, Steve, and Jeff's house that night. Charlie would usually make up some bullshit story about how the Holy Square Security were all former CIA agents and that Louie's dope got picked up by them because they were watching him on camera. He bought it every time but the dumbass would still hide his dope there so every time he did Steve was right there ready to rob his ass, again.

There once was an Ecuadorian who was so flashy with the designer jeans, sunglasses, and most expensive smelling cologne in downtown Central City that Charlie decided to name him Hollywood and boy did he eat that name up. Charlie and Hollywood became close friends and Hollywood used to fuck all of his female customers. Charlie had a hustle where he would buy boxes of condoms and trade them daily to Hollywood for balloons of heroin. He could buy a three pack of condoms for a couple of bucks and get a $20 balloon via trade from Hollywood. Not a bad little way to get yourself well each morning at 7:30 AM before the money started coming in. Hollywood was cool and as long you put the work he would make sure to keep you well.

Antonio was a fan favorite around Avenue Mall especially when Hollywood would take a break and go back and visit his family in Ecuador. Antonio was Rory's guys and Rory had a good eye out for good dope but man, Rory could smoke some fucking crack. Charlie would sit back patiently Monday through Friday and wait for Rory to make that big purchase on the white so he could slide in and get a better bang for his buck and no shit it worked every time. "Antonio Antonio, who won the soccer match over the weekend?" Charlie would always ask him on Monday mornings. Your average Ecuadorian worked six days a week but Antonio only worked five because thats all he had too and he played on his club soccer team on the weekends. Fucking asshole! Charlie would always look around like he saw a cop or something to make Antonio nervous so instead of giving him $40 for 2 black and a white he would usually slip him a quick $17 when he felt like Antonio would put the money away quickly and he never once got caught.

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