Oh He Didn't

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There are sometimes where if you are to make it on the streets you have to treat your life like there isn't a thing that you can't do. Charlie was a big believer in this theory as he used to have to sell product to make his money to buy product. This put him in harms way and just as most get, Charlie eventually got his. With Charlie though it wasn't about getting his but more so in the short term of getting away with meeting up with Preston ready to get back to work. Crazy huh? You have no idea but what I'm about to tell you took place a month after Charlie was initially arrested.

In the State of Utah when you have been arrested on felony charges the State has 7 business days to file charges before you have to be released as a "Fail to File". Rarely do they ever file and in Charlie's case they didn't file on (2) 2nd Degree Felony's which hold a maximum of 1–15 years each. Within a week Charlie was already meeting Preston and heading out to start back up the family business. Charlie was picked up 90 balloons of black tar heroin, 35 balloons of crack cocaine, 3 grams of crystal meth, and $3,837.75

After Charlie's initial arrest he used to hustle around Mountain View Mall with Cam. It was a cold ass fucking day and Charlie was just wrapping things up. Cam had just left to go grab them a couple of sodas from the 311 Gas & Go before going to the hotel to get high as fuck and enjoy the evening. Charlie began walking south on County Street where he was stopped by two Valley Police Officers where his shirt matched a description for a shoplifter that the officers were trying to locate.

The officers realized very quickly that Charlie wasn't the shoplifter but insisted on checking him out. So they called in his information. Charlie immediately told the officers that he was a good kid but had gotten into some trouble last month. Basically saying he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He talked about family and how his family supported him and were going to help him get through this once they filed the charges but he hoped that they hadn't filed yet because he hadn't heard anything yet. While waiting to hear back the officers really liked Charlie and appreciated his honesty. It turned out one of them, Chip Robinson, was the Assistant Chief of Police for the Valley Police Department and knew Charlie's girlfriend Cam.
You could here the lady come over the radio and based on the expressions on the officers faces he knew right away that his charges had been filed, he was about to go to jail for some time, and he was going to be sick as fuck for a good two weeks. Shit, he forgot about the 8 ball of heroin in his right pocket, gram of crystal meth, and syringes in his left pocket. New charges, he was so fucked.

These officers were so respectful towards Charlie and seemed just as disappointed as he was that they had to take him to jail. Charlie being the charismatic guy that he was had to kick it up a notch because he wasn't giving up on these two officers. It was a cold ass night and temperatures were going to drop into the teens. Even though Charlie and Cam had a hotel room Charlie told the cops that they were homeless and were sleeping outside tonight and he didn't know how Cam would survive without him. They asked where Cam was and Charlie told them she was up at the 311 Gas and Go. Chip drove off looking for Cam so he could let her know what was going on while the other officer searched Charlie. He found everything including Charlie's money and set it all across the top of the trunk of his cop car. The cop told Charlie not to worry that they wouldn't charge him for any of it because he already had enough shit to deal with. The cop handed Charlie the cuffs, let him put them on the front side, placed him in the car, and turned on the Las Vegas Bowl on the radio for him to listen to while they sorted things out. 20 minutes had gone by and Chip still wasn't back.

Finally Chip pulled up with no sign of Cam. The officers were in a serious conversation for about 10 minutes until Chip walked up to the car, opened up the door, told Charlie to get out, and to his cuffs off. Chip told Charlie that he really liked him and he really liked Cam. He said he didn't want to make things more difficult for either one of them but told me to take care of my shit now because there isn't a cop in this state that would let him off on two 2nd degree felonies. He also told me that know one in his department would let him off either and that this shit just doesn't happen. He told him to take everything off the back of the car so Charlie grabbed his wallet and his lighter. Chip said "Everything Charlie", This didn't happen so I can't have any paperwork or evidence". He told Charlie to take care of Cam because she's a good girl and has a big heart and again to take care of his shit so they can start their lives fresh.

The cops drove off as Charlie stood their in shock. He looked across the street and saw Cam emerge from behind the hill looking at him also in shock. Did Charlie really just walk his way out of jail for two 2nd degree felonies? Did Charlie take care of his shit the next day? Fuck no, he got high.

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