Adventures in Mid Valley 2.0

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There once was a man named Rich who flew a sign, claimed he was a Vietnam Vet, but if you did the math he would have served when he was nine so that didn't make any fucking sense. Rich always claimed he could find the best dope and granted he did find a few of the good ones. He found that fat fuck Johnny but still Charlie had all the trophies and most importantly he had Preston and fuck you if you thought Charlie was letting you or any of your stupid friends near Preston.

One day Charlie ran into Rich at the 311 in Mid Valley and Rich started bragging about this new white kid who has the best dope in the valley. Charlie said, "Great, give me his fucking number". Rich said,"Sure, just give me you Mexicans number". "You're Fucking Crazy" Charlie yelled at him. Rich went on to say he lives right around here and he knows who you and all your people are. Charlie told him that's great but he still wasn't giving up his Mexican's number for some white kid because that's just fucking stupid.

The next night was Friday night and Cam and Charlie were outside the 311 Gas and Go talking to some friends when a guy in his mid 30's walked up and says, "Is one of you guys Charlie?" Charlie stepped forward and he and Cam walked over to the guys Audi. He introduced himself as Austin and said Rich told him about us. That fucking liar said that he already knew who we were but he was the one that told him who we were. Rich lies for a living. Austin said he wanted us to try his dope and he was going to go home and mix us up some goofballs and he'd be back in about 30 minutes. "I like this guy," Charlie told Cam.

An hour and a half later Austin showed back up and told them he was sorry but he got caught up. He handed Charlie 2 syringes and said he split and gram of heroin and a half gram of clear (crystal meth) between the two but DO NOT do it all at one time. Austin gave Charlie his number and told him to call him on Saturday when they are ready to pick up for the day. Austin just handed Charlie and Cam about $70 worth of free dope. You can't beat that marketing strategy and Charlie was very impressed besides the fact that he was an hour late. The two of them went back to the Midtown Express and did a little bit of the dope at a time getting high as fuck. Austin's dope was pure fire. Fudge looked at us both in a look of disgust. Could you really blame her because she knew what the fuck was going on. You know how many times she saved Charlie's life? We'll get to that later on.
The next day was Saturday and noon came along and it was time for the first pick up of the day. Charlie had gotten too fucked up the night before and lost Austin's number. Cam was fucking furious with Charlie as she yelled, "Fuck Charlie, we got that damn plug by chance and now we are starting from scratch!" Charlie fired back, "Do forget sometimes that we have Preston probably the best Mexican off the chunk in the Valley?" The term "Off the chunk" is referenced to the way Preston sells his heroin. He doesn't use baggies, scales, or balloons. He has a huge chunk of heroin, you give him your money, and he rips off a big piece of heroin "off the chunk" for you. He's the only one Charlie has ever seen do it like this and you really get your bang for your buck right off the chunk!

Charlie and Cam saved one hundred bucks out of what they would have spent hoping they could track possibly track down Rich and get Austin's number and BOOM they found him flying his sign by the freeway. This motherfucker still would not give Charlie his phone number even though Charlie told him they met last night and exchanged info. Rich still demanded my guys number so Charlie let Cam tell him to fuck off which is always a site to see especially when she's already on one.

So what did they do next on their adventure to track down Austin and his yummy dope? Like the junkies they were they went and hung out front of the 311 Gas and Go hoping Austin would come looking for them and sure as shit around 11 PM that night he pulled up in his light blue Audi. "Guys, what's up, I thought you were gonna call me earlier today?" Austin asked. "Numb nuts got too fucked up off your dope and lost your number", Cam joked. "You guys got money?" Austin asked. Cam handed him the $100 and Austin asked them what they wanted. "See if you can do 1.25 black and maybe 1.00 on the clear, or whatever you can do? I know you gotta make money and you hooked us up last night." Charlie said to him. "Sounds good, give me 20 minutes, and for real this time," Austin said as he drove off.

Thirty minutes later around 11:45 PM he pulled back up which was great timing for his slow ass. He handed Charlie the dope and said, "I hooked your asses up, call me tomorrow". They got back to the hotel and the first thing Charlie did was pull out their scale and he sure as shit did hook their asses up. 1.93 on the black and 1.25 on the clear. Their original order was for 1.25/1.00 and Charlie felt like he was pushing him with that so they came out pretty good with this guy. Let's just say it was a good night for Charlie and Cam while Fudge was fucking pissed.

The next morning Charlie ran into Rich at the gas station and Rich asked Charlie if he was ever able to meet up with Austin and Charlie replied, "Fuck off Rich, don't talk to me ever again!"

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