A Forward Lapse In Time

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Charlie and Engel were known for their wild and crazy adventures. Engel loved to get fucked up and Charlie was there to enjoy himself but at the same time look out for the safety of Engel. These two had been up for a couple of days and decided to adventure down to the town of Oker. Oker was more of a tight religious town compared to Central City but did have a college so these two figured they could make some money. They did but they also partied a little two hard and continued to stay up.

The third day there was Charlie's birthday and Engel had picked up a very nice gift for Charlie. It was a pink Pyrex meth pipe with an 8 inch stem. This thing was hardcore compared to what they were used to. Charlie went in to the bathroom at the nearby bookstore to test it out. After his second hit he drops it, BOOM! If you've ever heard Pyrex break you know how fucking loud that shit is. So Charlie grabbed a shirt out of his bag and picked up all the pieces, rolled it up, and put it in his bag. He walked out, passed an old man with a vest, a mother with her daughter, and a young guy at the register. He was in the clear.

Charlie walked outside to meet up with Engel to tell him the bad news about how he just shattered his new birthday present. Charlie felt so bad but he had to tell him. "Engel, open the top pocket of my backpack, grab the shirt, and unravel it". Engel does exactly as Charlie says, unravels the shirt, and pulls out the pink Pyrex pipe that he got for Charlie in perfect condition. "What the fuck?", Charlie screams as he's tripping now. The days goes on and everything is normal and nobody is fucking tripping like Charlie was earlier in the day. How crazy was Charlie? Just wait because it gets better...

The next day around the same time Charlie and Engel were in the same spot and Charlie was really dragging. This was day 4 in Oker and Charlie was ready to go home. Charlie needed a pick me up so he decided to go to the book store again. Charlie goes into the bathroom and loads up the pink Pyrex pipe. After his second hit he drops it, BOOM! So Charlie grabbed a shirt out of his bag and picked up all the pieces, rolled it up, and put it in his bag. He walked out, passed an old man with a vest, a mother with her daughter, and a young guy at the register. He was in the clear. Wait, what the hell is going on here?
"Engel, I'm fucking tripping dude and we need to go home," Charlie cried. "Let me see the the pipe bro, did you break it again," Engel laughed. Engel reaches in the backpack, grabs the shirt, unravels it, and all the broken glass falls onto the side walk. "Ok, it's time to go home," Engel says.

This was a Forward Lapse in Time.

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