Chapter 11

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Macy POV

Saxton just dropped me off and I instantly ran up to go and talk to Leah. I can't wait to tell her all about it! As I open the door I see Leah in the living room watching a movie so, I do what any best friend would do and turn it off.

"HEY I WAS WATCHING THAT" she screamed at me.

"Were you really? Anyway Ineed to talk to you about my date pleaseee" I told her whining hoping she would sympathize a bit.

"Oh? Tell me more!" Suddenly all her attention was on me.

"Okay so like..." I basically retold the whole date to her and by the end she was smiling at me.

"So... you're a little?" She asked at the end.

"Yeah i'm a li-little" I said struggling to say it out loud. It's just all so new for me.

"Awhhh that's so cute! Wait! Does that mean you and Saxton are a thing now?" She asked with a hint of shock lacing her voice.

"Mhm" I nodded slowly.

"AHHHH THATS AMAZING!" She said excitedly.

After that we talked some more about ddlg and what would be my little age.

"I think I would be a toddler or maybe closer to a kid so like 4-5 years old" I thought out loud to Leah.

"Noo I think you would be a toddler a bratty one too." She said while winking at me.

"Me a brat pshhh noo im an angel, a sweet innocent angel you could even say I'm the bestest good girl there is." I told her while faking feeling hurt.

"First of all 'bestest' is not a real word and second you are definitely a brat when you wanna be."

"Okay smartass but do you really think I'm a toddler?" I asked.

"Yeah like maybe a 1-2 year old?" She suggested.

"Ohh I see." I said thinking about it. I mean I don't think she's entirely wrong.

"What does a toddler like to do?" I asked her again just to get a better picture.

"Well they like to use sippy cups, pacifier, color, and lots more." She said explaining it to me.

After what she said I guess I can kind of see me being a toddler but, I'm still not to sure of it. Maybe I'll discuss it more with Saxton this Friday when I go to his house.

"Oh yeah they also use diapers" Leah said out of the blue and when I heard it my jaw dropped.

"No I don't and will not wear diapers! NO NO NO!" I said back and Leah just shrugged.

"I mean it will be up to you and your daddy to decide so..."

"NO and I will tell him no!" I said getting defensive

"Okay okay I get it chill girl" Leah said with her hands up in mock surrender.

"Oh uhm I'm going to his house on Friday and I'm wondering what should I bring since I'm staying with him through the whole weekend?" I asked her kinda excited for it.

"Let see I think you should bring just the necessities like clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and well you get the gist. Oh and bring your stuffie Waddle." She said listing things off.

"Okkkk" I said very looking forward to this Friday.
AN: Sorry this took forever I had like absolutely no motivation whatsoever to write and have also been very busy with school. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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