Chapter 7

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Saxton POV

I was driving to Drakes restaurant called "Tak Terbatas Cuisine" Which means No limits. While we were driving there I noticed that she was a little bit nervous and fidgeting with her nails so I gave her a stern look with an "Ahem" to catch her attention. She stopped immediately and just looked down.

"Hey Macy look at me" I said in a soft voice.

"Yes?" She replies while looking at me.

"I just want you to know that I'm not mad at you. I only did that so that you can stop doing it because it's harmful for you and will ruin your fingers. Am I understood?"

"Yeah" She replied with a little sass.

"Good" I replied with clenched teeth. I really want to spank that attitude out of her but I can't. First she's not mine yet and second I don't have her consent.

Macy POV

When he said I shouldn't play with my thumbs I was getting kind of irritated. I mean I know he wants what's best for me but he doesn't know me yet. He shouldnt tell me what to do and that stare just makes it even worse. Don't get me wrong he looks so hot looking all mean but he's still scary. After I replied he said good and I think I saw his palm twitching and body tensing up but I ignored it.

After a few minutes we arrived at the restaurant and he opened the door for me and helped me get out. The restaurant was big it had an outdoor place and indoor place. The inside was so beautiful and when we got their they immediately brought us to this secluded room that has a table for us ready.

Once we got in we sat down and a waiter came to give us the menu. I was looking through the menu when I saw that there were so many options. There was Japanese, Korean, Western, Indonesian, Chinese, and so many more. I was starting to get confused on what to order so I looked at Saxton to help me but he was already looking at me.

"Need help?" He asked me.

"Yes" I said shyly.

"Okay what do you feel like eating?"

"Uhm maybe Japanese?"

"Alright how about you get the chicken katsu with curry?"

"Okay thank you"

"Your welcome" and with that he called the waiter over.

"Hi what would you like to order today?" The waiter came over and asked.

"Hi can we please order one chicken katsu curry and one fried rice." Saxton says.

"Great and what would you like to drink?"

"One mineral water with ice for me and" He looked to me and I told him I wanted CocaCola to which he just tsk at "One coke please"

After that the waiter repeated our order and left. When the waiter left Saxton turned to me looking all serious and asked me a shocking question.

"Macy do you know what is ddlg?" He asked me.

AN: Hi how are u guys doing? I'm doing great! I played volleyball and my arms hurt but it's fine. 😁

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