Chapter 1

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AN: Hello this is my first story that i have ever made and is probally gonna be really shitty. So be careful and just warning this is a ddlg book so if you dont like then fuck off. If there are any errors pls tell me and ill fix it. Thanks
Started: Jan 6 2022

Macy POV
"Come on get out of bed you lazy head" My bestfriend Leah said to me. She is like the bestest friend that I have ever had. She is so nice and super pretty with her flowy blond hair, beautiful skinny body and beautiful voice that anybody will fall in love with. Although we are best friends we have quite diffrent personalities. Leah loves to party, go to clubs, and enjoy life, where as I like to stay home and just watch TV, color, and read. Oh here I am ranting about my best friend again oops. Anyway hi I don't think I have introduce myself yet, my name is Macy and today is my 21st birthday. For my birthday Leah wanted me to go to a club with her called Suiters. It's like a high end BDSM club thats like so hard to get in but apparently she knows someone so we were allowed to go. Anyway i have never really been into those kind of things but apparently today Leah thought it will be a good idea to bring me there for my birthday. "If I go will you please stop bugging me Leah?" I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice. "Yes, yes I will now let's get ready." Leah said with too much excitment.

I got up and got ready with the clothes that Leah had prepared and may I add that I dont like to wear dresses I know it's stupid cause im a girl and all but I like wearing short pants or sweatpants more than anyrhing. Leah prepared me this short black dress which felt so revealing to wear and made me so insecure, cause i feel like people will judge me for how fat i look in the dress and all. "Leah I can't wear this, it's to short and revealing" " Yes you can and you will, cause you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress" replied Leah.

Leah POV

It breaks my heart whenever my bestfriend thinks she looks fat or ugly because she has the most gorgeous wavy brown hair, with her pretty blue eyes with a hint of green, her curvy body in all the right places, and cutest smile ever.
You know theres a reason i'm bringing her to the Suiters, Macy might not know or notice this but i did. She is a submissive a little to be exact. How did I know? Simple. First of all she loves watching cartoon, and coloring. Second whenever she is focus on an assignment she likes to suck her thumb, and she loves and i mean LOVES her stuffie called Waddle which is a penguin. Lastly she can be really reckless and a brat somtime. So, I thought i could bring her to the club to find her a daddy that can love her and teach her. "LEAH I cannot wear this please!" Macy said bringing me out of my thoughts. " Yes you will end of discussion Macy. Now let's go." I replied her.

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