Chapter 16

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Me and daddy right now is chilling on the sofa after a very very delicious breakfast.

"Baby can you come here?" Daddy asked.

I walked over to him and jump on his lap, positioning myself so that I was comfy.

"How are u feeling after yesterday" He asked me after I had situated myself on his lap.

"Good daddy. Although it's still kinda sore" I said with a little pout.

He chuckled and kissed my pout away turning it into a smile. I love when daddy kisses me his lips are so soft.

"Don't pout baby. What are your plans for today?" He asked me.

"Umm, I don't really have one for today. I thought I could just follow whatever you're doing." I told him.

"Well, I'm just gonna do some work at home and then we can grab some lunch together later. How does that sound baby?" He asked me.

I started to nod at him when I remembered and used my words. "Ok daddy"

"Wait why do you have to work on Saturday tho daddy?" I asked him whining a bit.

"Because baby" he said while caressing my cheeks in his hand, "In my line of work, I rarely get breaks but don't worry, for you, I'll give you all my attention." he said while kissing my forehead at the end.

I blushed a bit and smiled at him, feeling happy and lucky that he chose me to be his little.

"I never asked you this daddy, but what do you do for work?" I asked him curious in what he does for work. I meannn he even have to work on SATURDAYS like thats crazy.

He took a while to think but finally answered me. "Do you know Dyson?" He asked me and I nodded my head while saying "mhm".

"Well baby, I am the CEO of Dyson." He told me and all I could do is stare at him in shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK! YOU'RE SAXTON DYSON!?" I screamed a bit too loud. I suddenly also felt two sharp hits too my thighs.

"Owwwww daddy. What was that for?" I asked him while pouting.

"That little girl was for your bad choice in words." he told me sternly.

"But yes, I am Saxton Dyson, the owner of Dyson." he said to me with a proud smile on his face and I can only look at him in shock. 

He is so cool. 

AN: Not the best tbh but I didn't know what to write for this chapter for like a month so, I'm quite happy that I actually got to finish it even if it's quite short. Hope u guys enjoy and super duper sorry for the long wait. 

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