Chapter 5

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Macy POV

When he petted my head and called me a good girl I just felt so warm and instantly melted into his touch.

As he was talking to the others I started to feel super tired and decided to just take a nap for a while so I closed my eyes.

Saxton POV

As I look down I see my princess sleeping with her thumb in her mouth and it was so adorable. I would love to take pics but she just met me and I think that would be kind of creepy also she's not mine. YET.

"See I told you she was a little sir" Leah said pointing to Macy.

"Yes baby" Edward replied while smiling right at me, to which I replied with a huge smile back.

After a few moments of chatter here and there I heard that Leah was going to go back to Edwards place tonight so, I decided to volunteer to bring her back.

"Ba- Macy wake up let's get you home" wow I almost slipped calling her baby.

"No me still wan sweep" she whined back.

"C'mon let's go back. I'll even drive you back" Once I said that she woke up and nodded so, I excused myself and left while saying bye to everyone.

"Say bye to Leah" I whispered in her ear

"Bye Leah" she said barely awake.

"Bye Macy"

Macy POV

He woke up and told me that he's driving me back which shocked me awake with happiness. Idk why he just makes me so happy. I know we just met and all that but there's just something about him that I can't resist. I think it's just the way he brings himself, he doesn't seem cocky but he does seem confident and his aura screams dominant.

Once we left the room we went over to his car which looks so nice. When we were near he went to the passenger side and open the door for me then proceeded to put the seatbelt on which just makes me blush. He's sweet and a gentleman which just make him even more attractive.

"Thank you" I said timidly to him.

"Your welcome lit- Macy" he replied. Although it seems that he wanted to say something else but I let it slip.

After that he got in the car and we started driving back.

"Oh I never got your address" he asked me

"Oh yeah it's on 1000 charming avenue" I said and he just nodded.

Once I see my house I point to it and he parked right in front.

Before I left the car he asked me if he can have my number and of course I said yes.

"Macy" he stopped me again.


"Is it okay if we go on a date tomorrow?" He asked looking kinda scared.

"Sure I'm free for lunch if you want?"

"That's  great I'll see you tomorrow then goodnight" he said excitedly.

"Good night" and I went inside to finally end the day.

AN: Hello this such a bad time for me to want to write again since I have exams but I'm really feeling it so yeah. We will see how long this last for. Byeee

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