Chapter 9

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Macy POV

Okay so I don't know exactly what I did but I think I just agreed to be Saxtons little. Wait. Will I just be his little or am I also his girlfriend.  Is this exclusive or can he go with other people too. I was starting to overthink when I suddenly heard his voice. "It's okay, you're okay, you're fine. Everything is fine okay. Can you take a deep breath please."

I did as he said and after a few minutes I started to calm down and he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing is wrong" I told him and he just looked at me sternly.

"Now-now little one I know we just started and you don't know the rules yet but one thing that I do NOT tolerate is lying am I understood?" He said in a stern voice and I nodded in response.

"I need a verbal answer little one" he said.

"Yes sir" I said.

I don't know why I called him sir but it just kinda felt right in that moment.

"Good girl" he said smiling again and that just brought butterflies to my stomach.

"Now let me ask again what was wrong?" He asked me again but this time his voice is more stern.

"I was just overthinking things. It's honestly nothing just some stupid thoughts." I said looking down.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up to him. " Hey none of that now. Nothing that you think is stupid okay?" He said softly.

"Okay" I said

"Alright so what we're you thinking?"

"Wel I was just wondering I know that I'm your little but, am I also your girlfriend, are we exclusive, will you be seeing other girls?" I asked sounding sad at the end.

"Oh okay so first of all that was not a stupid question okay? And secondly yes you would be my girlfriend and yes we are exclusive meaning that I am yours and you are mine. Mine only" he said the last part sounding almost like a growl.

"Is that all" He asked and I said yes.

"Okay now it's time to talk about your rules, punishments, and rewards." He said while smirking and I just looked at him sheepishly.

I was feeling scared and nervous about it but I was also very excited to see what were my punishments because I have never had those.

Saxton POV

I told her it was time to go over the rules, punishment, and rewards. When I said that she looked kind of scared but her eyes are telling me that she is curious about it. Why? I don't know but I like it when she's all curious like that. Before I started telling her the rules I reminded her that it's okay to speak up if you don't agree with something in the rules and that she has a voice in this matter. Because sometimes submissives forget that they have all the power, that they have a say in things, and that it's okay to speak up if you're uncomfortable.

AN: okay so like I was about to make this chapter the rules chapter but I started writing the overthinking part and it just didn't feel right for me to put the rules and the overthinking in the same chapter. So yeah. Have a good day guys :)

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