(3)Lustrous Lady Goldhood.(7)

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My body was tingling. The moaning, the scratching, the echoing splashes of water, all of it just amplified that feeling. Each step I took fed coal to the fire, and I could feel my tingle progress to a shiver.

Needless to say, I was nervous. No, that's not right, because nervous is something you are before taking a test, or before a presentation. No, I was scared– I was terrified.

Simon's words were in my head, bouncing off my skull and soaring back into my brain, over and over; aim for the neck, cripple the limbs, call for help when in danger, and the most factitious one out of them all, you can do this.

I didn't know what this lunatic was thinking. Was he desperate? That had to be it, right? Why would he rely on some feeble, human teenager of all people? Well, of course I know why; I'm the only hope, I'm the only one in the Undergarden who can take the Greatbeast down. But, no matter how much that thought bounced around in my brain, not an ounce of belief came with it. I couldn't begin to think that I could hurt, let alone kill that monster, and all of that stress accumulated into one big, fat–

"Haaa... god damn it."

"Uh, is something wrong?" Marie asked.

"Of course it is, but It's too late for me to back out now."

I shook my arms a bit, trying to stop that shivering.

"This is just something I have to do. Something I just, need to go through, if I wanna get out."

"I-I guess. I definitely don't want to be here anymore. I miss dad, and mom, and everyone else, too..."

"Y-Yeah, don't worry, I'll–"

"But... are you okay with this?"

"Like I said, Marie. It's just something I need to do."

"I just..."

"You just what?"

"I just don't buy it..."

"...Haaah, alright."

I sighed. For what it was worth, that little chat made me feel better. I returned my attention to the Skellites clawing the walls, noticing how they were all basically shoulder-to-shoulder.

"How close are we, Simon?"

"It's right up ahead, but we'll be stopping now."

Simon squatted down, motioning us to do the same.

"From this range, I already feel the weakness. I'm sure that you feel it too, right Marie?"

"Y-Yeah, my head hurts kinda bad."

"This is the closest we can be without undergoing anything extreme. You understand, Lewis?"

I nodded.

"Great. This is what we'll do."

Simon took out his whip.

"I'll be armed and ready to jump in when I must. If you ever feel as if your life is in serious danger, then I want you to scream, alright?"

"Scream? But what if I'm knocked out or something!?"

"I'll be able to tell when the sound of your cleaver vanishes."


The plan was fine and all, but if I were to ever lose my cleaver... I think I'd be a little bit more than just knocked out.

"Do you understand?"

"Y-Yeah, I get it."

Simon nodded and stood up, offering me a hand that I took. He patted me on my back, rustling the chainmail coat I was wearing, and sent me off to what was most likely my doom. So of course, I had to give myself a few encouraging words.

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