A new place.

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I was lost.

"I don't understand... What just happened?"

I couldn't comprehend it.

"I was just-- it should be behind me, I don't--"

I didn't want to comprehend it.


I crushed my head in between my palms, hoping to make the headache stop, hoping that I could magically make sense of it all. But of course, I couldn't.

There wasn't anything that could explain what just happened to me. It was like I went through a portal, one that sent me to an entirely new biome. Aside from the obligatory confusion, I was scared.

Where am I? Seriously, Where am I?

"N-No no no no no..."

I was so close to just slumping on the ground and breaking. I wanted-- fuck, I don't know what! I just wanted an explanation! I just wanted to understand this!

Because, things get a lot less scary when you understand them, right?


My legs caved in. They couldn't support the weight of my body with all the trembling they were doing. I didn't blame them, of course, my mind wasn't in a much better spot.

I tried to roll my brain again for an explanation, but I found nothing.

"I-I'm... I'm not home, am I?"

I already knew that this wasn't Pautila, but at this point... was this even Earth?

I gazed at the sky with watering eyes. Yes, watering eyes, even I was surprised. I thought I was tougher than this. Wasn't the point of those jackass' in school to make me stronger?

That's what I told myself, anyway. But it looks like it didn't work. I could already hear their voices in my head, mocking me, but I wasn't going to refute their claims.

I was truly--



"...W-What was that?"

I heard the snap of a twig, startling me. Because of what happened a few minutes ago, the snap of a twig shouldn't be enough to scare me, but then there was where the snap came from--

It was away from me.


I looked around, getting up from the ground in the process, but saw nothing. There wasn't any good place where something could hide, the trees were too thin. So where did that snap come from?

"C-Crap. Whoever you are, I know you're there! C-Come out!"


It didn't work. I didn't really want it to, anyway. If I saw what was hiding in the darkness of the forest, I would probably just freeze.

"God-- damn it!"

I could feel my hands begin to shiver, making me shake them to stop it. I peeled back my windbreaker's sleeves and kept looking around me.


Then I heard another one.

"W-Whoever you are, you're really bad at being sneaky, you know that?"

I called out into the nothingness again, hoping to god that whatever was out there would reveal itself. But I didn't see anything. 

I hated this. I wanted to move, but I was stuck. My fear-infested brain came up with every horrible conclusion possible; it was a monster, it was a serial killer, or worst of all, a bear. I already decided that the thing out there had ample ability to render me dead.



I quickly turned in the direction of the snap and made a loud noise, mostly out of panic. I was hoping that whatever it was would just end up startled and run off.

I really didn't expect to see what I did, However.



A moderately sized creature in the shape of a deer jumped back and shouted just like me. After I realized that it was, in fact, a deer, it already began to run into the forest.

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