Aweless town.

13 0 2

"Wow... she made it."

With my hand placed over my eyes, I stared at the top of the wall where three figures stood. Those figures belonged to Rivver, Teddy, and Kyrelle.

Rivver was right, jumping off a tree was all she really needed to make it, and even then, she overshot. But, as great as it is that she made it and everything, I couldn't imagine her making it down at all–


"...I stand corrected."

Rivver quite literally crash-landed in front of us without breaking a sweat.

"You two ready?"

Rupert and I nodded. She gestured to us to follow her and then took us to a nearby tree. Wrapping her arms around us, she hopped once onto a branch, then sprung upward to the wall. I'm positive that I heard a snap when she went airborne.

And then, just like that, she landed on the wall and released us.

"Man, you are something else, Rivver."

"Haaa, thank you?"

Getting my bearings, I noticed that the wall we were on wasn't just tall, but thick. It was about the width of six me's with my arms stretched out. I gazed at the group. Most were looking at Teddy with a bit of anxiousness. He was currently scouting the area for... something.


"Did you see anything?" Rivver said.

"I do. Townsfolk are wandering the streets with torches and pitchforks in hand."

I decided to step in.

"Townsfolk? You thinking they know we're here?"

"I believe so. We oughta stay low and find a way down as soon as possible."

Teddy peered over the ledge of the wall, then perked up and pointed at something.

"There! That place is bloody perfect!"

I decided to follow his finger with my gaze, and he was pointing to an alley behind a decently big building.

"Why there?"

"It's the most convenient place. Plus, it served this awful thing called 'pizza'. I couldn't believe people frequented that diner."

"Pizza...? Awful?"

"Of course it's awful, why else would they shut down--?"

"You two, can we please stay on task? I'm sure there's scouts and the like watching the walls too."

I turned to the interrupting Rivver.

"Good point. So, can you get us down there?"

She stepped up and peered over the ledge as well.

"...There's no soft ground, is there?"

"I'm afraid not," Teddy said.

Rivver sighed and pinched her nose, but nodded anyway.

"Who's first?"

A strange childish instinct kicked in, causing me to raise my hand and hop on my feet a little. Rivver flicked her finger at me and then searched among the rest of the crowd.

"Teddy, would you like to?"

"Oh, I don't mind! But are you sure that the bag isn't too much–?"

"Again, Teddy. I've done it once, I can do it again."

"...Well alright."

Rivver wrapped her arms around us and hopped forward a little. We fell, and though it was a bit scary, it wasn't anything too bad after my experience in the hole.

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