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Kyrelle wasn't a runner. She wasn't fast, fit, and didn't have much endurance either. In fact, she hadn't used her legs for years.

She had already run out of breath not even a minute after leaving the others. She wanted to sit down and rest, and well, she did.

She didn't need to run anymore, after all. The beast was already heading its way toward her. All she had to do now was prepare.

She loosened her body. Mold crept from her sleeves and legs. A larger piece in the shape of a pike shot out and pierced the ground and sunk into it. A chunk of it was wrapped around her ankle.

Now came the hard part. She stared at the beast as it ran toward her, but didn't focus on it one bit. She set her mind on three key words: don't freak out.

Don't freak out, she told herself. Just relax. They others are far away from you. Even if you go out of control, nobody will be hurt. Just relax, stay focused. Stay calm. You can do it. You can do it.


Of course, had it been as easy as telling herself those words, she wouldn't have the fears she did. Instead of shredding the beast to pieces, she was the one about to be shred.


Except, the beast's fist was stopped. Mold had formed in the shape of a dome in front of it, hard as steel. The beast tried again, swinging at Kyrelle from the side. Again, the mold moved to the fist, and again, it was stopped in its tracks.

All the while, Kyrelle didn't move an inch.


She had just opened her eyes. How did the beast get in front of her so quickly? What was the meaning of this?

Her pupils widened. Sweat began to roll down her neck. She backed off, helplessly gazing at the raising fists of a giant. The beast paused, and then–


–Once again, struck the mold. This time, it dented a little. The beast scoffed and jumped away from the woman.

Kyrelle held her arms in front of her. A few seconds passed, and when she realized she hadn't been crushed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"What was that...? I didn't even command it– wait, what am I doing!?"

She wasn't even commanding her mold. For Pete's sake, that's what she's supposed to be doing. Why on earth wasn't she?

"Alright, come on Kyrelle, just focus and you can do it!"

She raised her arms in front of her, palms and fingers pointing out.

And she froze.


She completely froze. Even her eyes refused to blink. She stood there, completely still, only her mind running.

Why isn't it...

And then she unfroze, though not how she wanted to. Now her arms began to quiver, and quiver, and quiver.

Just shoot it out... come on! Just—

But nothing came of it. She just kept quivering, and quivering, and–



Her view suddenly darkened. A roof of mold formed above her, but it had depressed; it stretched inward far, far too far.

"H-Holy crap."


Again, the strike came. Again, it was from the side. Again, it depressed.


There, another one, but from the opposite side. The mold couldn't keep up. Another strike and it would shatter.

Kyrelle had to move fast. She knew she had to move. She knew she had to do something with this damn mold.

But still, Kyrelle continued to quiver, and quiver, and quiver.


A moment of silence. Nothing was happening. No smashing, no noise-- aside from her heartbeat.

"Where did it go–?"

Suddenly, she heard something again. But it wasn't the oppressive bang of the beast's fists on her barrier. No, it sounded natural, like the dirt below her was moving.

And then, Kyrelle looked at the ground, and she realized that the dirt had been replaced with something black–

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