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"...Huh? Eh?"

In response to the raspy voice, I forced my eyes to look at the figure before me. They were crouched, so I could see most of them with my limited vision.

The person was wearing a strange, cowboy-like hat that had one side leaning. There was also a green bandanna around their mouth, and they were wearing a generic light-brown cloth with a circular robe that had fuzzy white fur on the side that was facing me. I didn't care how they looked like though, I just knew that they could help.

"P-Please, just save me."

"Of course. That's what I'm here to do, the help you so gracefully begged for."

"C-Cah! Cut the c-crap!"

"Oh, you're a feisty one. Are you gonna try to bite me if I don't get you a treat-- Ow!"

Something interrupted her condescending monologue.

"You didn't have to do that, Rupert. I was going to help him anyway."

What kind of name is Rupert? And who the hell is he?

"Alright. Let me see the damage."

The person walked over to my leg and put their hand-- wait, what the fuck?

That wasn't a hand I was looking at, that was a slender black claw.


I had a literal knee-jerk reaction, pulling my leg, gushing out blood, and pushing my body away from the person.

"Ngh--! No no no no, hold the phone. Y-You--"

I pointed my finger at them.

"--That's not a h-hand, you, what the h-hell are you!?"

The person-- creature gave me a tired look, as if they really didn't want to deal with me right now.

"Ha, I honestly could ask you the same. Judging by your skin, you're a human, yes?"

"A... human?"

...So that's how it is. I see.

I was a "human." Not a person, a "human."

I feel like a broken record, but... where the hell am I?

"Y-Yeah, so? You're some freak with claws for hands!"

"Rude. Don't you see that your human leg is bleeding human blood? So how about we go take care of that before we start asking questions?"

I had several problems with this, but their point was reasonable. 

"F-Fine, but you b-better explain-- Ngh!"

"Don't bother with talking, it'll just make you feel worse. Okay Rupert, get on his right so I can place him on you."

Place me? What is he, a hospital bed?

Well, when I looked to my right, a hospital bed was not what I saw. What I did see, however, was a moderately sized deer.

"Y-You're... from earlier, right?"

The deer-- Rupert looked at me and nodded. The deer, understanding what I just said, nodded. I didn't even have time to process it.

"Alright, brace yourself. I'm bad at lifting people up."

The creature placed their arms under me, nearly ripping a hole in my shirt during the process. The arms themselves felt... fuzzy. Like a bundle of fur that was poorly groomed. Actually, it was kind of prickly too. I could get used to this.

Heart of Demise.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat