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Many times now, had Kyrelle repeated that phrase to herself.

When she sat in her shield, poked with small holes for the sake of breathing, she found no relief in the safety of it. She was only paranoid, anxious, and most of all–

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry–"

Kyrelle wasn't alone in this shield. With her was a creature she considered her newest friend; Teddy. But Teddy wasn't looking like himself right now, and for that, Kyrelle was–

"Sorry... I'm so sorry–!"

The state of his clothes was an indicator enough; Teddy was torn. Torn by crazed beasts with sharp weaponry and unstable tempers. Kyrelle didn't do that. Kyrelle knew she didn't. And yet–

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry–"

Had she just been faster– no, braver– no, not even that, just... had she just been competent, then maybe Teddy would be fine. No, she was sure of it.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

But, she wasn't that. She wasn't any of those things. So she goes on, repeating those two words, wet eyes and wavering voice complimenting it horribly.

"...Ay, mate."


And then, a voice from the torn creature ceased the cycle. Kyrelle scurried to Teddy's body; his eyes were open, and his chest was rising. He was still alive.

"T-Teddy!? You're okay!?"

"Ay... where the bloody hell am I?"

The Skellite sat upright while rubbing his head.

"O-Oh my God, you're alive! You're alive!

Kyrelle lunged forward, pulling Teddy into a hug--

"ACK! That hurts!"

"Ah, sorry!"

But she pulled away just as quickly. Teddy, still rubbing his head, surveyed his surroundings, but ended up scratching his head in the end.

"Oh my god, you're alive... you're alive!"

Now the relief of the shield finally set over her.

"Your mold... is that what all this slimy stuff is?"

"Y-Yes! I... I think I overdid it though, hehe."

It was hard to tell what the scale of the bulb was; after all, the roof was as tall as Kyrelle herself, and she wasn't exactly thinking when making this thing.

"Ay, so is this rubbish your mold as well?"

Teddy raised his arm. Though it was hard to make out due to the blending colors, the mold covered Teddy's skin, and it was vigorously moving at that.

"Wait... that was one of your cuts."

"I'd say it was more than just a cut, but you're bloody right."

"I-I see, so... it's like Lewis..."

"Oh, and can you please put this big mold thing down? I'm rearing to go fight again!"


That relief suddenly dissipated.

"L-Leaving!? We can't leave, there's a bunch of Skellites out there! I-If I put the shield down, they'll tear us apart!"

"Ay, then let's run! Those bastards use all their brains for fighting anyway, they won't notice when we're gone!"

"W-What!? But–"

"How many of my brethren are there anyhow?"

"Uh... I think... let me check."

Kyrelle pushed a finger through one of the holes, pulling it apart so she could catch a decent view with a single eye. As expected, she saw a bunch of armed figures.

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