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October 12th 2025

"Where is he?!" Presley screamed as she gripped onto the hospital bed, she was lying in. "He promised me he would be here." She groaned as another contraction hit.

Guenther and Juno were by her side, although Guenther had tapped out a few times to ask the hospital staff if there was anything they could do for the pain. Thankfully, Pascale arrived to advise him that this was the natural pain of childbirth, and all they could do was not antagonise the girl lying in the bed. He was thankful for the guidance.

Juno had been with Presley when her waters broke. It was just as Charles crossed the finish line in Austin. He was third, behind George and Max, who won the race. That was twelve hours ago, and Presley was not much closer to giving birth than she was before her Fiancé left.

"He's not far away; I promise Presley; Charles is on his way," Juno said as she fed her best friend ice chips. Thank god Juno was here; Guenther was great at many things but watching his daughter give birth was not one of them.

Guenther had opted to take temporary leave from Haas in the essential weeks of Presley's pregnancy. He was thrilled to spend so much time with his daughter, especially since he knew that Charles was unable to be there. If they had planned it slightly better, perhaps, they would have opted for a summer break baby. This suggestion did not go down well when Presley was already 5cm dilated.

This baby was not coming out with Charles being present. Presley needed him to be here; the only reason she was as strong as she was through this pregnancy was because of Charles's constant optimism. And that was when they only had one child on the way. Now they were having twins, and Presley needed Charles.

Presley screamed as another contraction hit. How did Charles ever put her in this situation? This was the worst pain she had felt. The designer knew it would be a happy ending, but now she hated Charles. She wasn't sure if she wasn't to throw up or pass out. It was too much.

Thankfully she had Juno by her side and coaching her along. Charles was smart when he insisted that Juno and Arthur attend all the birthing classes. Part of him was trying to hint that the blonde couple would have a child, but mainly he was ensuring that his Fiancée would have someone with her when she went into labour.

"I'm here; what is happening? Fill me in," Charles rushed as he darted through the door, still dressed in his Ferrari polo shirt. "I'm here, baby, I'm here." He cooed, sitting next to an in-pain Presley.

Juno chucked a scrub gown at him and directed him to wash his hands before filling him in that Presley was actually on the edge of giving birth but that she had sworn the whole nursing unit to tell Presley that it was not imminent. Juno knew Presley would panic if she was close to giving birth and Charles was not there.

"Get in there; my hand hurts enough." Juno winked as she pushed Charles towards Presley, who had sweat dripping from her brow as if she was in the humid desert.

Presley gave a weak smile as Charles joined the midwifery team. She couldn't help but chuckle at the pink scrub gown. At least even in the severe pain, Charles could make her smile. And then came another contraction.

The midwife darted in and instructed Presley that this was it. It was now time to push. She didn't want to. It was painful enough, and she was exhausted.

This was where Charles came in. Juno had told him that Presley would never need him more in her life than when she was in labour. Whilst Presley had been working, Charles invited Juno and Arthur over to practice labour breathing. He had got the technique down perfect, and Max had also laid several good pointers to him throughout the last couple of races.

Charles pressed his lips against Presley's forehead. "You got this, champ." He muttered.

Tears threw from her eyes, and Charles hated this. He couldn't do anything but mutter comforting words, although he wasn't sure they were helping so much. Charles just wished he could trade places.

The midwife shouted that just one more push was needed, but Presley was reluctant. Charles could see how tired she was. He rubbed his fingers across her shoulders. "Just one more, baby!" He smiled.

Presley shook her head. She was in pain, which hurt Charles, but finally, after encouragement from Charles, Presley took the last push.

The pain on the fashion designer's face was scary. Charles made a mental note to stock up on condoms. He never wanted Presley to endure this pain again, but when they both heard their baby crying, everything was worth it.

"Congratulations, you have a baby boy." The midwife announced to their joy.

Neither of them particularly cared whether they had a boy or a girl, but Charles secretly hoped for a son.

They didn't have much time to celebrate as the second child was arriving. The same pain screamed across Presley's face. Although perhaps this one was harder because their son's cries filled the hospital room.

"You have beautiful twin boys!"

Presley took a deep breath. The pain still radiating through her body but the endorphins parachuting into the universe. It was over, and according to the Scarlet, birth was the easiest part. They were parents. Charles and Presley had twin sons.

Charles hugged and kissed his fiancee, who looked incredibly warn out, before running over to cut their umbilical cords. He was a father to twin boys.

The couple looked at each other as the midwife brought over the two newborns wrapped in blue muslins. They were perfect. Tiny but perfect.

As if they read the mind of each other, Presley and Charles both at once blurted out, "I know their names!"


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♥️ liked by pierregasly , lewishamilton and 738. 9k other people

@charlesleclerc: Presley and I are overjoyed to welcome our beautiful twin boys to the world.

Milo Arthur Leclerc

Lewis Lorenzo Leclerc

We spent a lot of time deciding on the names, but the names became obvious in the last few weeks of Presley's pregnancy. They are the four people who changed our lives. They were also the four people who moved to Paris the week before Presley's due date to ensure that she had adequate people around her.

I must give special thanks to Milo's godmother, Juno, who was there for Presley throughout her pregnancy and entire life. I owe so much to her, and despite the drama, I think we consider each other family now.

I am now incredibly thankful there is a two-week gap between the next GP.

The best journey is fatherhood

tagged: presleysteiner12





I think this is only back to back update I've done since I was writing the Fight!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter...picking the names was VERY hard

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