"Avalanche!" Angel called from overhead. "Can you destroy this island?"

"I don't think my powers will help," the mutant shouted back. "I'd only break it apart for it to reformulate."

"In other words," Toad bellowed as several massive boulders broke free of the earth and tumbled toward him. "We're fucked!"

Xavier shook his head. No. We are not, as Toad so eloquently says, fucked. I have a plan. And it will require everyone.

"What do you need us to do, professor?" Cyclops called out.

Jean, Kyle- stay beside Lorna and Erik and defend them. Everyone else- do everything in your power to hold Krakoa back and keep its attention on you!

Cyclops led the charge toward Krakoa as the towering behemoth.

Lorna, Erik- your magnetic powers. I need you to use them to negate the island's gravitational field. Remove it from earth!

"I don't think I have that kind of power!" Lorna cried out. "And Magneto is gone!"

Xavier shook his head in despair as he realized that Magneto was not among them anymore. He was disappointed in his former friend, but time was of the essence. He couldn't mourn. Storm. You can use your lightening to give Lorna the power she requires. It will be unpleasant, Lorna. And it is a huge risk.

"But there's no other way," Lorna said in a tone of strength. "If it means saving everyone, then I'll do it!"

Storm- go!

Storm's eyes went white and she soared high above. Gathering the clouds around her, she reached out with all of her elemental power. "Brace yourself, sister," she screamed.

Lorna gave a brisk nod. "I'm ready!"

Thunder growled like a wild animal and a huge bolt of lightning fell from the heavens. Lorna's body let out a big spasm as the lightning encapsulated her. A piercing scream escaped her lips as her body became overloaded with sheer elemental force. Focusing her own powers, magnetic energy began to emerge off of her body in great blankets that uncoiled around her.

"Talk to me, Lorna!" Kyle shouted as he watched one of his best friends disappear behind an imposing tower of magnetic force. "Tell me you're okay!"

"I'm...ah! I'm...okay! Don't stop, Storm! Don't stop!" Lorna cried out even though every nerve was exploding.

Kyle shook his head, his heart pounding in desperation as he looked over at Jean. "She can't handle this! Where the fuck is Magneto?!"

Jean focused on the distant battle and kept her eyes open for any incoming threat to Lorna. "I don't know, Kyle."

Kyle spun around as a collection of massive boulders popped up nearby. He swung his fist, throwing a wave of telekinesis that ground the rocks to powder. "He should be ashamed of himself!"

"Okay!" Lorna cried. "I'm ready! Everyone get ready!"

When the island begins to lose its hold on earth, we must escape. Bobby- I need you to make the largest raft you possibly can.

Bobby darted away from the fight. "I'm on it!" He confirmed.

With that, Lorna threw her hands overhead, gathering as much magnetic power as she could muster before directing or beneath her. The power ripped deep beneath miles of ocean, traversing even more miles of earth's very crust. From there, Lorna flexed every mental muscle in an effort to dislodge Krakoa from the earth.

"Something's wrong," Jean gasped as she read the horrific desperation on what little of Lorna's face was visible.

"I can't do it," Lorna cried as great tears began to roll down her cheeks. "I can't...I'm so sorry!"

But then, just as despair had begun to set in, Magneto floated down from above wearing a solemn expression on his face. He landed near Lorna and then looked up into the sky. "Ororo! I'm ready!"

Without question, Storm summoned the most devastating lightning storm she could and hurled it down below.

Kyle watched as Magneto disappeared behind the electrical force. Then his own magnetic energies compounded and joined Lorna's. Together, both magnetic mutants tore into the center of the earth. With great, unimaginable force, they allowed their power to fully connect with the core. Then, with one devastating explosion, Krakoa began to behave very differently. The fight left the island so quickly, replaced with a desperate attempt to maintain itself.

Now, go!

Kyle leaped upon Lorna and scooped her up into his arms, holding her tight against his chest. Magneto, slumped over and Jean caught him with her mind and pulled him up and away.

"Ky...Kyle?" Lorna moaned.

"You're going to be okay, Lorna! You're okay!"

"Did it work?"

Kyle blasted them up and away from the disintegrating ground and through the sky. Spying Iceman's makeshift raft, he made way for it. "You were great, Lorna! Total queen behavior!"

Lorna chuckled weakly, then lost consciousness. Kyle watched fearfully as the others hurried for the raft. Fliers carried as many as they could, and Jean and Kyle rushed back to offer aid. Soon, as the island began to split apart and launch up and away from the sea, the mutants converged on the raft. Without hesitation, Kyle and Cyclops fired their powers into the water behind them, propelling the raft away from the place once occupied by Krakoa.

"The ocean's going to swallow us up!" Pyro shouted as a treacherous whirlpool appeared as the oven attempted to compensate for the sudden disappearance of Krakoa.

"If you can make a shield, do it now!" Cyclops screamed.

Iceman threw his hands up, firing ice from his fingertips as fast as he could, soon sealing them up in a bubble of thick ice. The ocean tugged on them, pulling them into the vortex. Jean reached out with her mind and attempted to create field of telekinesis that would keep the others from being battered senseless. For a time the world consisted of dizzying movement and ice. Kyle kept Lorna held tight against his chest the whole time, protecting her and taking the hits as his body inevitably collided with solid ice.

Calm at last, the water gradually returned to its former state of being. The ice popped up to the surface and the top layer was blown off by the collective might of the occupants.

"I can't believe we did that," Kurt sighed.

Magneto stood up and stared at the water where his own piece of paradise once was.

"Here," Kyle said as he gently placed Lorna in Warren's arms. He then approached Magneto and threw the hardest punch he could. It connected with the man's nose, immediately busting it. "God damn you!" He shouted.

Magneto took the blow without attempting to defend himself. "I...deserved that."

"You deserve a lot more than that!" Kyle fired back, his fists clenched as he trembled with anger. "You're lucky I didn't knock your head off! You reappear just in time to play the savior card. But it's your fault this happened in the first place!"

"Cool it, Kyle!" Cyclops ordered as he got between the two of them. He then turned to Magneto. "He still has to tell us where the others are so we can fix everything."

Kyle nodded, then glared menacingly at Magneto. "Yeah. And then you and your friends can pay for what you've done."

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