
Start from the beginning

Te others turned to face you "You alright?" Noctis asked "Passed out pretty hard" Prompto added.

You look at them and nod "yea yea I'm fine. Just not used to crashing like that" Gladio motioned to Ignis's chair "why don't you sit down. Relax a little. Tell us why you fell from the sky like a comet"

You looked at Ignis "that your chair? He nods "go ahead I am laying down for the night"

You nod "ok" you then walk forward as you move around the chair and slouch down in it. Staring at the fire they started. "Thanks for picking me up back there. I know a lot of people would just let a stranger be"

Gladio shrugged "well honestly we brought you here because we didn't want the nifs getting you."

You look at him "Nifs?" Prompto leans forward "The Imperials. Or the Empire. Everyone just calls them Nifs because they are from Niflheim"

You nod "oh ok, and are they bad?" Noctis sets his cup down "yea, as bad as they get. They invaded our home and took our crystal. So we are trying to get it back"

You rub your neck "a crystal? What?" Prompto tilted his head "wow you really aren't from around here Huh? I thought maybe you were testing something from a lab when you crashed."

You shake your head "nope. I'm an alien I guess you would say" Gladio took another drink as he leaned back in his chair "So, why did you crash anyway? And that sword you had?"

You rub your face and take a deep breath as you sigh "How do I put this. I travel from world to world and stop darkness from swallowing them. When I travel I wear that armor to protect me from the darkness that connects each world. And that sword is my weapon. A Keyblade is what it's called. And I can morph it into anything I want. A whip, a fist, a vehicle, a gun, whatever I want. And that Keyblade is the key to sealing the worlds heart so it can't be invaded again"

Noctis crosses his arms ands sits back "Ok. Lot of information there" Prompto holds up his hand "so you, go from place to place, and kill monsters?"

You nod again "yea that's basically the short of it" Gladio then motioned his cup to you "ok so your an alien. Can't say it's a common thing around here but it's happened before. But you said other worlds. What does that mean?"

You look up and point to the sky "Every star that you see, is a different world. The light they create come from the worlds heart. It shows it's full of life and thriving. But when a star burns out. It means the darkness destroyed another world"

You then look around at the others "I'm part of a dying group that is dedicated to saving as many worlds as we can"

Noctis tilted his head "Dying group?"

You look back to him "Hundreds of years ago. There used to be thousands of us. We had our own home world and thousands of different types of fighters. All of us worked together to save worlds."

You then look to Prompto "but, a couple hundred years ago, there was a great Keyblade war. Kingdom hearts rose into the sky, the heart of every world in existence. And legends say whoever controls kingdom hearts controls the universe. And it corrupted everyone. Every keyblade wielder from every world landed in the badlands, and a massive war broke out"

You turned to gladiolus "Friends who grew up together would cut eachother down for no reason. Masters would turn on students. Students would attack their friends. Everyone fought everyone, there were no teams. No friends. No Allie's. Just death and greed. Eventually after hours of fighting, every last keyblade wielder was struck down. And their keyblades litter the badlands. It's called the keyblade Graveyard."

You then look back to the ground "Fay firward a few hundred years. And keyblade wielder are being forgotten. Nobody remembers who or what they are. What we did. And now there's only a few of us left in a small team. If there are more, they are staying hidden"

Prompto dropped his head "that's...awful..."

Noctis nodded "yea. Why would everyone just kill eachother like that?" Then gladiolus spoke "What about you?"

You look at him "I was the same way. I had no idea they they existed, or that there were other worlds even. I was just a kid when the heartless, the creatures of darkness attacked my home. They destroyed it. I fought back after my friends were killed and I gained the power of the keyblade. When I woke up, I was laying in this courtyard. My master found me and brought me in. Then I was raised as his own. Along with his other students. They became my closest friends. And I studied and learned. I trained to wield the keyblade so I can save others from losing their world too"

Noctis leaned forward again "So are you here to save our world from whatever these heartless things are?" You shake your head "No, as far as I can tell your world is safe from them. I was heading back to my home to reunite with my friends. And a nobody, a different monster crashed into me and separated me and my friend Ventus. He fell one way, and I feel another. It knocked me off course and I landed here"

Noctis nodded "oh" Prompto then spoke "So. You plan on leaving in the morning? If you don't need to be here?" You nod "that's the plan. I don't wanna take your guy's time if I'm not needed here"

Before Prompto can respond, Gladio spoke "So, how does someone get a keyblade?"

You look back to him "In order to get a keyblade of your own, you have to have a small ceremony. You have to prove that your heart is strong enough to carry the burden, and if the keyblade decides it is, you touch another keyblade and are granted the power"

Prompto tilts his head "you can't just get one? What about you?"

You shake your head "you cannot just get one that's not how it works. My heart proves it was strong and the keyblade chose me. But my biggest and longest question is, who visited my world and gave me the ceremony. I don't remember so I must have been really young. But I always wondered who spoke to me"

Noctis then takes a sip from his drink "The world is a big ol place. They could be anywhere"

You then stand up as you walk towards the edge of the large flat rock they were camping on "Perhaps I'll never know. And that's alright. I do know one thing for sure"

You hood out your hand and close your fist as your keyblade manifests. Everyone gasps "wow" Prompto says "that's kinda neat" Noctis replies Gladio stays silent "Whoever they are. I'm thankful that they did what they did. Because if I never got my keyblade I would have died with my world. And I never would have met the friends I have now. Or the woman I love"

When you mention the woman you love, Gladio and Prompto look at Noctis as he looks away.

"I promised my master that I would never stop. I would dedicate my life to protecting the light. No matter what happens"

You then open your hand as your keyblade vanishes.

You turn back around and look at the 3 of them "My name is y/n by the way. Y/n Wesker"

Noctis stands up as he walks towards you and holds out his hand. You reach out and take it as the two of you look at eachothers eyes "My name is Noctis" he says "Call me Noct" you smile with a nod "Nice to me you Noct"

The two of you then shake hands

*checkpoint reached. Will resume when you return*

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