Chapter 49: Thanksgiving and jealousy

Start from the beginning

"We've been compromised, run, Rosie!" I yell and Rose squeals and chases away, Lizzie after her.

I look after them before turning around to look into beautiful green eyes and I immediately melt.

"Hey, my little criminal." Scarlett greets me with a playful grin. I scoff a little in pretend to be offended but smile right after.

"Hey, babe." I reply and wrap my arms around her as well.

"So you're a criminal now?" She asks with a delighted sparkle in her eyes. I hum and nod.

"Looks like it." I agree and she chuckles silently.

"Hmm, not that you're gonna get in trouble or arrested." She says silently, her eyes darting from my eyes to my lips and she pulls me a little closer.

"You want to handcuff me?" I whisper with a teasing smirk and her whole face turns red for a few seconds and she hides her face in my neck.

"Is that a 'no'?" I ask as silent as before and when she lifts her face out of my neck, I see something sparkle in them that wasn't there before.

"Happy Thanksgiving, angel." She says, changing the topic, making me raise an eyebrow which she just response to with a tiny smirk. Heat travels down my body and I unintentionally press my legs together.

"Happy Thanksgiving, love bug." I reply and lean forward to connect our lips in a sweet kiss.

Well, it starts sweet but when she starts to suck on my bottom lip and grazing her teeth over it, it turns a bit more heated. Someone clearing their throat makes us pull away and we look at a smirking Flo, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Get a room if you want to continue this or at least don't do it somewhere where your kid could walk in." She grins and wiggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes at her and see Scarlett shooting her a glare as well, making her chuckle.
Before I can say anything else, Scarlett's soft touch turns my head back to look at her and she kisses me again. Still sweet but a bit more passion in it now and her hands slowly travel down to rest on my butt. I make a silent, surprised noise that only she can catch, making her smirk before letting go of my lips.

One of her arms stays around my waist as she turns around to Florence, smiling innocently as if she didn't just eat my face.
Flo chuckles and shakes her head at us but before she can say something, Rose comes running back into the living room, closely followed by Lizzie who grabs her and pulls her with her onto the couch. Lizzie starts tickling Rose, making her laugh and kick around.

The sight is adorable and my heart melts. I lean my head against Scarlett's watching them goof around. When Rose begs Lizzie to stop, completely out of breath, Lizzie lets go of her and Rose's laughter slowly fades, leaving the girl with a huge grin and red cheeks.

"I think we're even now." Lizzie decides and kisses Rose's cheeks. Rose giggles and nods, still laying on the couch, exhausted from the tickle attack and all the running around.

When I hear footsteps, I look towards the stairs and see Robbie coming into the living room, smiling at his fiancée and the little girl on the couch.

"Got your revenge, Liz?" He asks and Lizzie nods and brushes some loose strains of hair out of her face before padding the space next to her. Robbie sits down next to her and she leans against him, visibly exhausted from all the chasing around as well.
I smile at the scene before me and kiss Scarlett's cheek, already thankful to be here for Thanksgiving.

The beeping of a timer pulls us all out of the situation and Scarlett takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen to get the cake out of the oven. It smells delicious. While she gets the cake out, I get the frosting out of the fridge and after a few minutes of letting the cake cool off, we start putting the frosting on it.

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