
I look around the classroom where my old 7th grade language arts teacher was located. Despite hating 7th graders, I enjoyed 7th grade. I hated 6th grade due to some blonde jerk who broke my heart ,but 7th grade was nice. I liked all my teachers, I didn't like any boy, which made my life less complicated. Although we did have friend drama. Lina and Kailah wanted to kick Summer out of our little group because she can be mean and annoying at times, but I wouldn't let them because I know what it feels like to be left by my friends. No one should have to go through that. Anyway my 7th grade language arts teacher, was my favorite teacher that year. Her name is Miss B. She has a longer name, but it is too darn difficult to pronounce. Miss B is kind of my counselor at Rio Grande. I tell her my problems, mostly Kobe related problems, and she will usually help.

"What's wrong?" Asks Miss B.

"Well Kailah said something," I reply.

"What did she say?"

"Well she told me I shouldn't even try to impress Kobe because I can't date," I explain," and he is moving......."

"He is moving!"

"Oh yeah, I haven't told you. Kobe is moving to Michigan."

"Since when!"

"I don't know, I found out in October." I start to tear up.

"Aww, honey don't cry, you know there will be someone else."

"I know, but I don't want to have to go through this again."

"Again?" Asks Miss B," What happened the first time?" I explain the heartbreaking story of Toby to Miss B. I really don't enjoy telling that story, but I had to tell Miss B the background information.

"I understand-err I don't understand, this has never happened to me," Miss B explains," But I know there will be someone who will love you for who you are. Someone who gives you attention. Someone that isn't Kobe."

"He might change," I tell her.

"Yeah, but how much?"

"Miss B, maybe not in your perspective, but in mine Kobe is actually pretty sweet, same with all those guys," I explain," The problem is they are trying to be cool, and they can't go there own way and lead themselves, they have to go with the crowd."

"Yeah, but Kobe is moving."

"I-I know, but he might not."

"Yeah, but I have heard Mrs. Short talking about it, and she really doesn't like it here," Miss B looks at my gloomy face," Paris, trust me, you will find someone."


"Perfect!" I exclaim to myself. I finally found the outfit I was going to wear. It might not be Christmas related, but it is very wintery. I wore a cropped grey and white striped sweater, with a maroon skirt, black tights, and black combat boots. My hair was curled and I put on a little bit of makeup. My mom dropped me off at Frank and Joe's Party Place. I could hear the music and the laughter of kids my age. I wonder if Kobe was already here? I walk into a fog filled dance party. I notice the snack table and drop off my goodies I brought. I wandered into the other room of the place to find an arcade. Kobe was playing a basketball related arcade game with Bryce. Kobe was winning, of course. John notices me.

"Hey, Paris, what are you doing here?" He sneers.

"I got invited," I smirk.

"How did you get in invited?" Asks Bryce looking at me weridly.

"The whole 8th grade got invited." They roll their eyes and continue playing arcade games. I walk out of the arcade and into a lounge. Couches, Christmas decor, and a fireplace was contained in the room. Inside the room was Summer, Kailah, Lina, Keeley, Rose, Jules, Gigi, Ashlynn, and a couple of my other friends.

"Hey guys," I call.

"Hey, Paris," they all respond.

"Is this where all the losers are hanging out?" I ask with a smile.

"Yep," replies Gigi.

"Ashlynn is here, and she is part of the populars," Summer states.

"Well, now you are a loser!"I tell her.

"Yay! You are a loser!" Keeley tells her.

"Thanks guys," Ashlynn laughs.

For the first hour of the party we just kind of talked. No one really came into the lounge. I soon got bored of the lounge and wanted to dance.

"Can we dance now?" I whine.

"I will dance with you, bae," Keeley says.


"I'm just kidding, I am not going to embrass myself in front of the whole 8th grade." Keeley sits back down. I cross my arms and pout.

"I will come," Lina says.

"You will!" My face lights up.

"Yeah!" Lina and a couple other of my friends get up and we head to the dance floor.

I personally enjoy dancing. One thing people don't understand is if you are confident then you won't embrass yourself. People might tease you, but your confidence helps you ignore them. If our school would promote confidence instead of demoting it, then everyone would be happier with themselves. I know that will never happen because people are rude or lack self esteem. All I can do is make myself confident and that might promote others to do the same

Lina and danced for awhile. We were so popular on the dance floor that Carson danced with us. He isn't a good dancer but he is one of those outgoing boys that always wants attention, so you want to be seen around him. Carson's friend also joined with us. His friend are all the popular jock boys, which is John, Bryce, Jake, Blake, and Kobe. It was actually a pretty good night, and the party was only half way over! I thought the rest of the night was going to be a blast. Unfortunately, my life has to be complicated and nothing can go my way. Something always goes wrong and tonight wasn't an exception. You would think "7 Minutes in Heaven" would be a fun game. Until I found out what that game is actually about.

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