Chapter 34

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I woke up this morning, realizing I graduated 2 days ago. It was the last day of school today, and the last time I would ever see Kobe again. I thought only getting to see him 2 more times was bad, but only getting to see him one more time sucked. I arrived at school getting a bombed dropped on me right away. I notice people surrounding Keeley. I immediately push through the small crowd of people.

"What's going on?" I ask. Keeley looks at me with despair. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Umm last night I found out I am not going to Freedom High School, I'm going to New Land instead...."Keeley confesses. My eyes start to tear up. The day just started and I am already crying. Why is Keeley not going to Freedom? Why is everything changing so quickly? All I knew is if I am this upset of Keeley moving to a different high school, how upset do you think I will be when Kobe moves to a different state?


The first thing on today's agenda is awards. Literally the end of year awards ceremony is 3 hours long. Nothing really happened, except for a couple things. It was time for Miss B's awards. She walks up to the podium and hands out the awards like so. Then she gets started on this speech. She starts to tear up.

"I am blessed to have the students this year and my first group of students last year. I am sad to announce that I resigned from Rio Grande. I am moving up north to a new school where I will teach new students," Miss B announces choking up," I will miss you all and I won't forget any of you." I start to tear up. Miss B was moving also? So many people I care about are moving. Why does this happen to me now? When I am about to enter an important and exciting part in my life, the people I care for the most are moving. Miss B is moving, Summer is moving to Idaho who knows when, Keeley is going to a different high school, and Kobe and the rest of the Short's are moving to a new state. This day is probably the worst day of my life. The rest of the awards ceremony was a bore, I got a couple awards. I stopped crying, only to cry again when the male P.E teacher makes a speech about Mrs. and Mr. Short moving. Thanks....I really needed that (sarcastic tone). After the ceremony was lunch. I didn't bring anything because I was supposed to go out to lunch after. Keeley, Gigi, and I sneak out of lunch and go to Miss B's class. We open the door and see Miss B at her desk.

"Hey guys...."she says sadly.

"Don't move!" I blurt out.

"Aww, Paris I already took the job...."

"Well quit the job and stay here! I need you, you can't leave too!"

"I'm sorry..."

"Thanks Miss B," Keeley says," For everything."

"Yeah, thanks," Gigi pitches in.

"Aww,"Miss B starts to tear up," Let me give you girls my email." She walks to her desk and starts to write down her email address.

"You all have so much potential," Miss B starts," Keeley you are an amazing writer, Gigi you are just so caring and amazing," Miss B praises," and are strong, even if you don't know it yet, everything you are dealing with is hard. And one day you will find someone you truly love, who truly cares for you. Just do me one favor?"

"What," I respond choking up.

"Remember me when you are famous," Miss B smiles.

"I will." I go up to her and hug her. I will never forget the easy days in 7th grade, sitting in her classroom. Everything was so simple. I will remember this year, sitting in the desk next to her, spilling all my problems to her. I have Miss Marge to spill my problems to, but Miss B is a little more sympathetic than she is. But both of my amazing teachers give me great advice, especially about love. Keeley, Gigi, and I walk out of the classroom with a heavy heart, and tears running down our faces. Why are goodbyes much harder than hellos?

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