Chapter 18

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I look into the mirror. Tears running down my face. 2 years. It has been 2 years and I still think about it every once in awhile. This Monday my heart broke into a million pieces as I heard the news. She passed it to me like it was nothing. I didn't show any emotion when Lina told me. I couldn't, but inside I was crying. I was in the bathroom alone. I came to school early because my sister wanted to run the mile in the morning for fitness testing, I didn't. It has been 2 years since Toby left. Of course, I still don't like him. Especially after what he did during the football game about 2 weeks ago. Chrisrmas was coming, which was good I was really tired of all the drama lately. First Kobe was gone for 2 weeks, but he came back last week, which was good. His nose looks better, but I saw a video of him high on laughing gas. His mom showed me. It was pretty funny, and kind of cute. Also last week I had a doctor's appointment because during October my mom discovered this bone on my chest that stuck out. I found out I had to get a brace to get pushed back into my body, which sounds absolutely lovely! I still have 2 weeks left of this semester, and I want it to end. When the new semester comes I will start drama and that sounds fun. All 8th graders have the oppurtunity to join Drama class for the 2nd semester. It is a long running tradition here at Rio Grande. I snap out of my daze of Drama and my deformed bone issues, and continue to think of Toby. I was interrupted by a pair of stupid 7th graders walking into the bathroom. They noticed my tears and looked at me weirdly. I roll my eyes and exit the bathroom. I really hate 7th graders.


"So let me get this straight," I say," You are inviting me to your Christmas party."

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?" Asks Rain, one of the most popular girls in the 8th grade.

"Well, we aren't really friends."

"Ok, you got me," admits Rain," I am inviting the whole 8th grade."

"That makes a little bit more since." Rain handed me an invitation to her party and walked away. I read the invite:

"Your are invited to Rain's Annual Christmas Party! Bring any kind of treat and wear a Christmas garment to match the season

Date: December 21st 2015
Time: 6:00-11:00
Place: Frank and John's Party Place"

I was actually kind of excited to go to this party. Mostly because my friends and Kobe will be going, and I will actually be doing something fun this winter break. Now I had to find something to wear......Time to go shopping!!


We still had 2 weeks until the party, and lots to do before then. We were getting our grades soon, we had a winter dance that I wasn't attending, and our school goes to the movie theater on the last day before winter break to watch some stupid movie either everyone has already seen, or doesn't want to see.

"What are we watching this year?" Asks Kailah asks unamused.

"I think we are watching......Space Chimps?" I reply unsure.

"That sounds lame!" Complains Lina.

"At least it isn't some stupid baseball movie, like last year," Summer inputs.

"True," Kailah replies.

"So are you guys ready for the party?" Summer asks.

"No, I still need to find an outfit," I reply.

"Who cares about your outfit?" Asks Lina confused.

"I do! And Kobe is going to be there!" Lina rolls her eyes.

"I don't know why you even try," Kailah replies," You can't even date, and he is moving across the country and you will never see him again." I stare at her, giving her a fake smile. Did she just say that? Kobe moving is a very......touchy subject that I don't like to talk about. Kailah just brings it up like it doesn't affect me. She can be very inconsiderate at times.

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