Chapter 17

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The air got colder and as Chistmas approached finals started and so did the stress.

"I don't think I will be able to pass this final!" I worry.

"Paris calm down," Lina soothes," You always pass your finals, what makes this time different?"

"I don't know!" I exclaim," I just have a feeling I won't do so well!"

"Well you have one more week to study."

"That won't be enough time!" Basically that's how my week went. I don't know why, but I dread finals. Honestly it is just a test. A test at the end of a semester, nothing more. Of course it did determine your final grade of the quarter. In fact, it could ruin your perfect GPA. One failed final could ruin your chances of getting into a good college. Without getting into a good college I won't be able to have a good job, a good house, a good life! Ok, maybe finals are a big deal. Christmas please come!

Aimee slams my textbook closed that I was studying from. Our relationship is.....complicated. We both hate each other, but we can't show it in front of the others. She is very two faced.

"Why are you studying?" She asks disgusted. I look to my right and to my left, no one was around.

"So I can pass my final and don't end up with a bad life," I state.

"Don't worry, your face is already doing that." I start to clap slowly.

"Nice comeback!" Aimee gives me a look of disgust.

"Nerds are so lame." I laugh at her comment.

"What are you laughing at," she asks confused.

"If you hate nerds so much, then why do you like Kobe?"

"Kobe is NOT a nerd!"

"Uhh, yes he is."

"No he isn't, Kobe is a hot jock!"

"A nerdy jock," I say under my breath.

"What did you say?" Asks Aimee.

"Nothing." I grab my books and leave the area. I look back at Aimee.

"You know Aimee," I start," If you didn't care about looks you might actually find a nice person underneath Kobe."

"Kobe doesn't need a nice personality! He is hot!" I roll my eyes. She was hopeless.


"But mom!"

"No more buts, Paris! You are working at Santa's Workshop whether you like it or not!" My mom commands. I scream and stomp into my room. I can't believe my mom is making me work at Santa's Workshop! Santa's Workshop is in the mall and it is a place for little children to take a picture with Santa and tell him what they want for Christmas. Most teens do get a job there as Santa's Little Helper, also known as an elf. The difference is I don't need to get a job. I could literally make it rain with my money I earned at my summer job working at a boutique. The reason she is making me do this because it is a way for me to learn responsibility, and because my mom's friend owns the mall and needs some workers. Honestly, I think my mom just wants me out of the house. The job started Monday and ended Christmas Eve. My mom wants to ruin my Christmas vacation.

I arrived at the mall after school. I had one final today and it was easy, like always. Like always, I didn't need to worry. I went to the Santa's Workshop and changed into a little elf costume. It was kind of cute. This job was going to be the worst because when I am at the mall I want to shop, second if someone from my school sees me here then my popularity will flush down the toilet, and finally I hate children. They are just so annoying and......gross. I stood next to the Santa Clause. He looked familiar. I noticed blue eyes, and freckles on his nose. It was Toby. I tap on his head. He looks at me and his eyes widen.

I Never ForgotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora