Chapter 35

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It was April 24th, the day Aimee could possible kill me. Toby and John allowed me to stay the night in the secret base. They thought it was safe, but I knew Aimee was probably lurking around here somewhere. My phone dings. I received a text from Summer telling me that Aimee has a surprise for me. I reply telling her that I was busy. The last thing I want is a "surprise" from Aimee. John and Toby stayed. They invited the rest of the group to tell them what we had found. I don't think it was smart for Toby to tell more teenagers that his father is a part of the FBI, but that is his choice. I leave the secret base and join the rest of the crew.

"You won't believe what kind of crazy messed up stuff Aimee has been doing!" Toby exclaims.

"Aimee is a serial killer!" John blurts out.

"Hey!" Toby scolds," I wanted to tell everybody!"

"Wait, Aimee is a serial killer?" Rose asks shocked," Who has she killed?"

"Well Aimee has tried to kill many people, but sometimes they get away. A couple of the people who got away from Aimee with only an injury is Jessica, Kobe's friend from Michigan, and Carla," I tell them.

"Carla!" Blake, Bryce, Jake, and Rose exclaim shocked. We nod.

"Do we know anyone who has been killed by Aimee?" Blake asks.

"Unfortuantly yes," I tell them. They gasp in shock.

"Vanessa from Rio Grande, she liked Kobe and she was one of the unlucky ones. She was murdered by Aimee...." I give them the bad news," And Kobe's ex girlfriend, Ocean, was also unlucky."

"Does anyone know they are dead? Does Kobe know Ocean was murdered?" Jake asks.

"Well Gigi knows that Vanessa was murdered, it said in the victim's report, and Ocean lives in Sacremento. We would never get that kind of new," I explain.

"Also all the victim's are kept private, for investigation. The news doesn't have access to this kind of information," Toby points out," So only Carla, and her parents are supposed to know. You guys have to keep this whole investigation a secret, until we catch the culprit."

"Have you told your dad who you think the culprit might be?" John asks. Toby shakes his head.

"Why not?" Bryce asks.

"My dad and the other men on the investigation think the killer is a man, a middle aged man who enjoys stalking and killing young girls. It would make the most since. They would never believe a teen girl cracking skulls and taking hearts."

"But we have the most evidence!" I blurt," We can catch her tonight!"

"What do you mean?" Rose asks.

"Well today is April 24th, the only day in a month that Aimee will strike. We all know she is going to come after me," I explain," We can use me as bait, and I know the perfect pl-"

"No! We aren't using you as bait!" Toby interrupts," It is too dangerous!"

"But I will be safe, if I have backup," I try to explain myself.

"No! We can try a different way to catch her, but we aren't putting you in danger!"

"Toby let me-"

"No!" he interrupts.

"Toby, let the poor girl explain herself!" Bryce stops Toby. Toby backs off.

"Ok, well Summer just told me to come and meet her, because Aimee has a surprise for me. If I go I know Aimee will try to strike. If I can catch her, then this nightmare will be over," I explain.

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