Chapter 12

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Kobe is moving.... That sucks but I have to have hope that he might not. I went to some stupid Leadership thing with Jules, Kobe, and Pedro. Next week was Halloween, and this Friday I was going to Talladega Frights with Summer and Lina.


Talladega Frights is a haunted house that was really popular in my town. It was supposed to be really scary. I have been wanting to go for a while now. I was supposed to go with Keeley but my mom doesn't know her and they were planning to go with no parent supervision and my parents weren't ok with that. However Summer was going with her mom and my mom knows her mother so it was alright.

We arrive at Talladega Frights at 7:30. Lina, Summer's mom, Summer, and I all came in one car, but we had to wait for Summer's sister, Tony(Summer's brother), and Tony's friend. Summer has a big family. She is adopted, same with Tony and two more of her brothers. Her parents had two children. One of them is coming tonight. Summer's sisters are much older than her. We wait for them at the entrance of the park taking tons of group pictures that we will soon post to Instagram. It took 15 minutes for the others to arrive. Once they came we paid for a wristband and got in line for the attraction.

"This is going to be so much fun!" squeaks Summer. We stand in line talking until I feel a weird breathing down my neck. I turn my head to see a person with an ugly mask on. I scream. Summer and Lina turn around also and scream. Our group laughs at us. The person with the mask walks away.

"Hey person!" I exclaim. He turns his head.

"Take a picture with us!" He comes back and we pose for the picture. This was going to be fun...but this line was super long and slow.

We get closer to the front of the line. I turn around and notice a female clown coming through the line. Once she reaches our group I get an idea.

"Hey, do you get your hair done at Privato?" I ask the clown.

"Yeah!" The clown replies.

"Omg, do you get it from that one lady!" Summer plays along.

"Yeah, she is great," the clown says.

"Next time you go, tell her I said hi," Summer continues the act.

"Ok." the clown walks away and tries to scare unaware individuals. Summer, Lina, and I burst out laughing at what just happened.

We finally reached the front. Tony, Summer's mom, Summer's sister, and Tony's friend went inside the house before Summer, Lina, and I. The doorman wouldn't let all of us go inside at the same time so we wait a couple seconds before he would let us through.

Lina, Summer, and I walk into the haunted house. The theme of this attraction was supposed to be a high school. I looked at the walls and saw spirit posters everywhere. Lina was in front and right before she turned the corner a tile of the wall slid open and a very high pitched scream rang out of the wall. We all screamed. I held on to Summer. We had to stay together. The lights flickered and fog was everywhere. The smell of freshly cut wood a scented to area. Screams of "students" and guests rang through the house. Blood smeared the walls. Where ever we walked there was always a dead cheerleader or football player demanding us to scream the mascot's name, which was cougars.

"Let's go Cougars! Let's go Cougars," we screamed in fear. Mostly scary looking people would scream at us. Sometimes they would warn us to not get into detention. Our little group eventually caught up with Summer's mom, Tony, Summer's sister and Tony's friend. I was in the back of the group. We were rounding a corner and this guy came out of no where and starting screaming in my face.

"I can't here you!" He screamed.

"Your mom!" I reply scream in in fear. My group was walking away and I tried to pull on Summer who was unaware of my dilemma. The guy wouldn't move out of my way so I elbowed him and ran away. I caught up with Summer and told her what happened.

I Never ForgotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora